Commoners Aren't Common Among These Lands

Please read everything before you enter!

Ho! You there! Traveler! I've been seeing quite a few of your type around Tommia, but locals have been quite a rare treat. I daresay, though, that you may hold the key to bringing more commoners into the scene. What do you say? How about you try making some commons and uncommons?

- The card must be a common or uncommon.

- The card must be balanced.

- Don't go too crazy. Simplicity is often a good approach here.

- Hate to go here, but no legendary cards. As you can assume, this also means no cards featuring a person with a proper name for the card name instead of a generic name (Joseph, Tommia's Hope wouldn't work for a card name, but Tommia's Hope would.)

- You may not enter uncards (non-serious cards).

- Try to avoid entering cards that are heavily themed around a set or faction, unless it's the Saving Tommia set or a faction within said set that it's based around.

- Try to use the M15 frame. That's the one I'm using for my set, and I want to make sure the text will fit.

- You can enter cards that you entered into other contests if you wish to do so.

- This isn't mandatory, but please put a link to this contest in the comments section of your card. I've noticed that a lot of my contests haven't gotten any love.

- Limit three common entries and two uncommon entries per Cardsmith. They can be all at once, or a certain number at a time.

- I can fix mistakes you make, but if you made a mistake so drastic you can't live it down, feel free to fix it. Make sure to update the link though!

- No anonymous entries.

- By entering, you agree to allow me to remake your card for my set, at my sole discretion, making any changes I see fit.

There is no deadline yet, but it will most likely be entry-based, not time based. Once I start to feel overwhelmed, I'll establish a deadline!

Prizes: Though this isn't a tried and true contest, I will have minor prizes!

- Best in rarity: Featured on Random Card!

- Best in contest: It is guaranteed that I will make a cycle around your card!

Mini-Announcement: This may not pertain to this contest, but it's important to the set. I am conducting a pool and I need your help! For more info, click the link below:


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