Secret Tactics (closed)

So first, many of you probably don't know me. Well, I have been here for a long time actually, I just never got a member account. So, I've been looking around the contests and I haven't seen any that requires some serious thinking. So I thought, if I did make any of those, it would be very interesting to see others struggling to make even 1 card. That does make me feel a bit bad though. But okay here's the competition:

I want you to make a very normal looking, could be OP card. I mean it can be a very good card. But I want you to make it so that it has a very secret minor flaw so that it can actually just let you easily win. And you have to hide the secret in the flavor text. Want an example: Edit: This one doesn't work, because Faiths_Guide pointed it out that it would contradict a rule. Here's a newer one However, it's pretty obvious what it does if you read Faiths_Guide's comment. But he's a nice guy. Edit: Apparently, even though I'm not using the original one, people still favored it more. But no matter what, it just doesn't work.

Okay, my card seems extremely op already, just by looking on the outside. But if your smart enough to guess how to use it by reading the flavor text, and noticing the winning flaw, you see the real point of this card.

Edit: Don't mind the above. It appears to be too hard for others, so I'll make it easier. You can still do the above, and if you make it really well, you might get extra points. However, instead of making it with a flaw, just make a pretty normal looking card that can be extremely powerful in sets like Vintage. In normal cases, it can be a really bad card, but in certain combos, it can be really good. Oh yeah... You guys know about my love of Flavor text? Yeah, you must describe how it's good in a hidden manner in the flavor text of it. Here's one: Don't complain at me for using Halo Wars art. I know what your going to say, so just be quite and don't complain about it. Halo wars is good; just because it isn't an FPS like the other halos doesn't give you a right to complain.

Additional rules:

-Unlimited entries (although many will have a hard time getting past the first 1)
-Old cards are allowed
-Grading will be based on how hidden it is, and how good the flavor text is.
-Double score if you do the very original one.


1st place: Gets 1 Follow, 5 favorites of my choice, 1 trophy made by me and chooses 3rd place.
2nd place: Gets 1 Follow, 3 favorites of my choice, 1 trophy made by me.
3rd place: Gets 1 Follow, 1 Favorite of my choice, 1 trophy made by me.
HM: Gets 1 favorite of my choice.

Oh yeah... You guys want to know the flaw in my card. First try to find it, and if u need help, just come ask me.

Btw, I edited a major part of the rules. It should be easier.


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