Now I've got to make a story. I don't think you'd like to flip through the story of the fall of the Theros Pantheon cause I'm pretty sure there are a good 30 planeswalkers involved in that one haha
@TrippleBoggey3 I've already got most of the planeswalkers, however, my main problem is that the six human kings that oppose the thirty-some are borderline-op. Also it's going to be a solid 100 card set if I make it cause I'd have to tell the story of the fall of the pantheon and then the attempted Ascension of the thirty-some planeswalkers and the war they fight amongst themselves and then the war the planeswalkers fight against the natives. Very long intricate story. If I get the time, though, I'll do it
I'd full on enter this if I had any idea where my story is going. It's just a hot mess at the moment with me making things up as I go which can be seen with the cards I've made for the Ioyeva set.
I'd like to enter, but I have at least 200 more cards to make, so that won't be happening anytime soon.
Ahhhh.... The Plane of Kanar, Many successful Citys and Villages... So much danger... Untamed Wilds and Seas... A Special, Strange kind of mana... And Villans and heros Beyond Imaging...
Mat Geron stared out into the distance, Looking at Kanar, The Great plane, HIS plane. On his balcony in the Captital, Called Geros. He could see for miles. Mat Geron had some wealth.... wel his parents did. they lived in a three story home. And a nice one at best. Mat's father was a friend of the King, The High One. Mat smiled for a moment, wishing he had a more interesting life when he saw a dark could on the horision, and relized he should have been careful for what he wished for.
The dark cloud grew and grew. And soon Mat and likely the rest of the Captital a grand army. Wearing Black Armor, they advanced, Among them where dragons, Knights, And even Meniran Orcs. And led by them was a man, A man In Midnight Black Armor, Riding a dragon, he seemed to be shifting at a moment a Tyrant in thick armor, at another a dark Knight. For once, Mat felt Fear, TRUE fear.
I've already got most of the planeswalkers, however, my main problem is that the six human kings that oppose the thirty-some are borderline-op. Also it's going to be a solid 100 card set if I make it cause I'd have to tell the story of the fall of the pantheon and then the attempted Ascension of the thirty-some planeswalkers and the war they fight amongst themselves and then the war the planeswalkers fight against the natives. Very long intricate story. If I get the time, though, I'll do it
I'd like to enter, but I have at least 200 more cards to make, so that won't be happening anytime soon.
A Special, Strange kind of mana... And Villans and heros Beyond Imaging...
Mat Geron stared out into the distance, Looking at Kanar, The Great plane, HIS plane.
On his balcony in the Captital, Called Geros. He could see for miles.
Mat Geron had some wealth.... wel his parents did. they lived in a three story home. And a nice one at best. Mat's father was a friend of the King, The High One. Mat smiled for a moment, wishing he had a more interesting life when he saw a dark could on the horision, and relized he should have been careful for what he wished for. --->