0 mana cards!

Now this'll be fun....

The only requirement is that the card must have a casting cost of 0 mana, while still both playable and fair. Each person can only have one entry and can change it provided they edit their comment saying they've edited it and with a link to their new entry. I'll be judging 1st, 2nd and 3rd style and as objectively as I can, as to make it fair. There are no prizes to win, unfortunately. Unless you count boasting rights as a prize. If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Stuff I won't be judging: Art

Stuff I will be judging: Creativity, uniqueness, flavor(not the flavor text), playability and how much sense it makes.

The deadline is the 24th of July. I'll release the winners in an edited description at ~26th of July. I changed the deadline, as this is what I had originally intended, I just had a brain fart and thought it was september for some reason :/
I don't really know what else to say, so 'till the 26th, and for the rest of your existence, Have Fun!

Entries are being judged now, I'll edit the description when the winners are decided.

Announcing winners!

In first place is the Piece of Vaerholt, as I like what it does. It's just a good idea, worded in such a way that it doesn't become unbalanced.

In second place is the Faithful Falcon. At first when I first saw this card I kinda skimmed it, but now I see how well balanced it is. Truth be told, I'd play this if I played white XD

In the third and final place is the Pentient Lotus. That's a rather good way to balance the Black Lotus, while being extremely flavorsome.

Well done to all the winners, and thanks everyone who participated!


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