Lords and Nobles



  • @Gavin
    Some of us have -_-

  • @Faiths_Guide Wait - isn't TrippleBoggey3 doing the judging?
  • @Gavin

    Haha, yes, it was a (high-shooting) joke.
  • @TrippleBoggey: Still no judging? That might really be the reason, why nobody enters your contests...
  • @Mila, You're probably right, but I'm not gonna judge this yet. I'll judge my other ones.
  • Nice! I'm waiting for Completely Normal Civilians... to be judged as well :)
  • Any more entries? Judging starts in an hour. Maybe less.
  • @DankSoulsRager

    I'm sorry, but your entry is disqualified, because I do not understand it. I recommend you improve on your MTG grammar. But the concept of an uncommon transforming to a common really is unique!


    Other than the art, the card is very flavorful. It's like a discard card with a creature each turn. With Skulk and Dethrone! Awesome!


    The land really confuses me. First, what is Bribery? Second, just sacrificing a creature is not enough. That alone is a rare. Added with the sacrifice ability to make everyone else sacrifice and getting a 3 mana land, that is OP

    Lady Cassoway is very flavorful... But why... Okay. It's very nice. A 1/1 spy with dethrone each turn created by a seemingly defenseless lady.


    As a 4/5, it seems pretty OP. But the flavor? Awesome! Sacrificing his subjects. Seemingly, this is the most "realistic" advisor.


    Sorry, but I don't see the "conspiracy" theme in there.


    Sorry, but with such a confusing card, I would like better grammar. This is disqualified.
  • Well...

    The winners are...

    @RohanDragoon and @Mordecai


    Each winner can send me 5 cards to favorite. I am boycotting the Hall of Fame. (Actually I'm just too lazy)
  • This contest is now closed.
This discussion has been closed.