Accomplish the Unaccomplishable

What is unaccomplishable? Well, think back to the not-so-constructed-mtg-era, when cards like dual lands and moxes existed. Well here are the types of cards I want you to make:
-1 mana removal spells, counter spells, and discard cards
-Dual lands (Don't make a gate like card)
-Fetch Lands
-Just a remodel of the old Vintage cards

Additional Rules:
-You may make any of these types, and 4 of each type. You can only have 1 of each rarity for each type.
-Don't make any boring things.
-Please, make it simple. Flavor text will matter a lot in this contest.
-Make it with big boosts and big losses.

60% Uniqueness and matching what is wanted.
20% Ability to be used in constructed
20% Clear, simple ability with good flavor text.


If there are 100 entries (probably won't happen), I will do top 8 for each section.

If there are 25 entries, I will do:
1st-10 favorites of my choice, 5 favorites of your choice, trophy, card made of you for my own contest, your name mentioned in new contests.
2nd-8 favorites of my choice, 4 favorites of your choice, trophy, card made of you.
3rd-5 favorites of my choice, 3 favorites of your choice, trophy.
4th-3 favorites of my choice, 2 favorites of your choice.
5th-3 favorites of my choice, 1 favorite of your choice.
6th-2 favorites of my choice, 1 favorite of your choice
7th-1 favorite of my choice.

Are you asking for a story? How do I do that?!?

Have fun, and enjoy this contest.


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