Purgatory --- Tabeltop Game

Hey everyone! I created a tabletop game! I call it Purgatory. I would love suggestions so please help out :)

Object of the game:

By the end of the game, add up the number of good deeds you own minus the number of bad deeds you own. If you have the most good deeds, you win.

Turn order:

Step 1: Draw 3 fate cards face down from the fate deck.

Step 2: Determine your fate. Turn one card at random face up to see your fate. Pass one of the 2 left, to another player of choice. The card passed must stay concealed. Put the last card into the Hidden Outcomes pile.

Step 3: Roll a six-sided die and you may fulfill the action you roll on from the fate card. If you do not want to fulfill it, put it into the lost pile.

Step 4: Check if you have 3 fate cards fulfilled. If so, trade them out for one Good Deed card. If you have 3 fate cards in the lost pile, you must trade them out for a bad deed.

Step 5: Draw five partner cards and conceal them from the opponent/s.

Step 6: Summon as many partners as you choose face up. Activate any abilities.

Step 7: End your turn. Other players repeat process.

The game ends when there are no more fate cards left in the fate deck.

Fate cards: Have effects that lead to many different good or bad outcomes.
Good Deed cards: Cards with a mildly good effect. You need these to win.
Bad Deed cards: Cards with a mildly bad effect.
Partner cards: Cards that have continuous effects. Represented as creatures.


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