Eldrazi Obsession

Now that we're done with Eldritch Moon, I fear that we may be abandoning the Eldrazi altogether rather soon. For me, this is terrible! Despite the buggers being evil and world-destroying and all, I've grown attached to them over this period, obsessed even. So, to satiate my need to see some Eldrazi cards, contest!

The contest will last one week. The general idea is that you make an Eldrazi based card (it can be a card that just works with the Eldrazi, as long as it clearly shares some themes with them). As with most of my contests of this style, I'm interested in seeing not just Rares and Mythic Rares, but also Commons and Uncommons. If you can make a balanced yet interesting Common Eldrazi Card, you will knock a lot of the lower-end Rares and Mythic Rares out of the water, just because you managed to do it.

- ONE entry per person.
- All cards must be Eldrazi themed.
- Double-sided cards are allowed, but you must clarify which side is the front or back.
- Melded cards are allowed, but you must distinguish which cards are part of the meld and which card they meld into.
- Cards must be marked with Eldritch Moon, Oath of the Gatewatch, or Battle for Zendikar set symbols.
- Cards must show some attempt to be balanced and realistic.
- Try to stick to realistic MTG terminology.
- Newer abilities are preferable, but older abilities are acceptable as long as they are relevant to the card itself in some way.

Quick Info:
Color Requirement: None, but the Eldrazi tend to be colorless, so....
Card Types Allowed: Any and all, but I'm a sucker for Common Creatures.
Realistic Cards: Yes.
Max Entries: 1


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