Planeswalker Frame extensions

We now have 3 planeswalkers out with the extended frame for the space for 4 abilities, i was wondering if there was a chance we could soon, if its in the works, or if something has been said about it before.


  • I believe I can answer that without any of my usual sarcasm...
    There is a chance, but it's very, very, very, very slim that it will be soon.
    It's most likely not in the works, but someone did mention it a while back.
    And of course, you've mentioned it here, just now.
  • Further inquiry -> would gold gradient walkers be somewhere in the pipeline?
  • Just good to know if they are coming along, in the meanwhile ill just write them out, i can input them whenever it gets implemented (By the time we have a 4 ability gideon, nissa, and Lili)
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