Unfinished Contests...

I think it would be great to finish some of the unfinished contests. It is a pity for all the smiths who put great effort in their cards, when a contest goes dead. What do you think?


  • I think I will finish a few of the old contest.
    But to make it faster I will not judge the cards without proper language :)
  • Isn't that what the reactivation challenges are for?
  • @VinylVantasy - That's exactly what the reactivation challenges are for.
    @Tutlaschk - What we've found is there are a lot of Cardsmiths who start challenges and then fade away, and there are also quite a few who just have life get in the way, and they have to spend time doing other things.
    We agreed a while back to give people at least two months to come back to their challenges. After that, whoever is doing the reactivation challenge has the opportunity to revive it.
    In theory, each reactivation challenge should only last a week. Then we could get through three or four a month. Right now VinylVantasy is in charge of the current Reactivation challenge. The winner of that gets to choose the next one, and so on.
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