Make a Card you Already Made (Closed)

This contest is where you remake the first card you made on MTG Cardsmith. If you already have, then remake the second card you made on MTG Cardsmith. If you already have, then remake the third card you made on MTG Cardsmith. If you already have, which I don't think is likely, but whatever, just choose a random card you made and remake it.
So, you must post the original, and the new version of it. I know that you premium members can just go in and remake it, but I want to see the original.

Ends November 11th, 6:30 AM, Central American Time Zone

1. You may remake your remade card any number of times before the end of the contest.
2. No joke cards, and correct MTG wording.
3. The cards must share the same name, color, rarity, and CMC.

1st place: 4 target custom cards each get 1 favorite counter, and target player gains 1 follow.
2nd place: 3 target custom cards each get 1 favorite counter.
3rd place: 1 target custom card gets 1 favorite counter.


This discussion has been closed.