The Random-Ator #1: Legendary Permanents
Do you ever find yourself stuck for legendary creatures' names? Perplexed by their ideas? Well look no further!
For this contest, you will have to visit here:
It's simple. Generate a set of names for a fantasy creature/artifact/place of your choice, pick one, and then make a card of it. You may make planeswalkers, or non-creature legendary permanents. One of the best things about the site is how sometimes they come up with a really cool name, or other times they generate a lot of duff ones.
- First Place: Five favorites, a card made about you, a follow, and you get to pick an honorable mention.
- Second Place: Three favorites, a card made about you (maybe), and a follow.
-Third Place: One favorite, a card made about you, (maybe), and a follow.
Honorable Mention(s):
-A favorite.
Winners may also get added to --HALL OF FAME-- depending on the amount of entries. This contest will end two weeks after it was created. If you like this contest, and if it gets enough entries, I may make another Random-Ator.
For this contest, you will have to visit here:
It's simple. Generate a set of names for a fantasy creature/artifact/place of your choice, pick one, and then make a card of it. You may make planeswalkers, or non-creature legendary permanents. One of the best things about the site is how sometimes they come up with a really cool name, or other times they generate a lot of duff ones.
- First Place: Five favorites, a card made about you, a follow, and you get to pick an honorable mention.
- Second Place: Three favorites, a card made about you (maybe), and a follow.
-Third Place: One favorite, a card made about you, (maybe), and a follow.
Honorable Mention(s):
-A favorite.
Winners may also get added to --HALL OF FAME-- depending on the amount of entries. This contest will end two weeks after it was created. If you like this contest, and if it gets enough entries, I may make another Random-Ator.
This discussion has been closed.
Cool! I like it
Transforms into...
(used sword name generator. is that allowed?)
including ... Aqua, Fetish of the Breaking Storm?
I'll probably enter if I find an inspiring option.
What did Equipment ever do to get you so worked up?
I've already gone to court against Clues and filed a lawsuit against vehicles, what makes you think I won't do it again to those lousy equipment? XD
Am I on time?
(I'll do it later today.)
3rd place @MaverickGV .
I like this card. A much more interesting Titania, with an interesting twist of Land-creature-y ness: a healthy blend, it looks like, of Zendikar + Tarkir. The creature type is very interesting as well: plant dragon. The artwork makes it look like the dragon has died or something, and the land is resurrecting it - could eba character in Zendkiar, when you think about it, a dragon who fights the eldrazi, gets killed, and then is brought to life again by the land herself.
Flavor: 8.5/10
Balance: 7.5/10
Formatting/Wording: 10/10
Art: 8/10
Originality: 9/10
2nd place is @Death_Methods (You can't stop winning my contests, can you? XD).
I've played with Munda, Ambush Leader in EDh before, I can only say one thing: DON'T. This fella, however, looks much funner, much more powerful, and much more interesting: rather than giving a boost to all your allies, he only cares about himself, which makes, sense, since he's a 'bandit'. And the name as well: very cool.
Flavor: 7/10
Balance: 10/10.
Formatting/Wording: 9/10
Art: 8/10
Originality: 9.5/10
1st place...(drumroll please) @TheFriendlyGeek with 'Kuari, Crystal Soldier'.
It's a very cool, interesting card - particularly for EDH (I love taking two extra turns XD)
The artwork and vorthos-y ness is also cool - I love the idea of a warrior-mage made out of CRYSTAL. However, despite this card being first, there are one or two problems with it: 1) Copying creatures? and 2) It's a bit OP...
That said, I love this card. Well done.
Flavor: 9/10
Balance: 4/10.
Formatting/Wording: 7/10
Art: 10/10
Originality: 10/10
Message me about honorable mentions, favorites ect., ect.