Time Machine! Mini Challenges! Challenge 4 The Golden Age of Piracy

My new favorite kind of challenges, mini challenges. For this on we will be going to a new time period of human history for each mini challenge.

1. The winner of each challenge will choose the next time and place we go to. Doesn't have to be an exact time (Ancient Greece for example)
2. The time period must be from actual human history
3. You can make a real or mythical beast from that time, people from that time period, a specific person who was alive during that period (legendary creature), an artifact (weapon, armor, building, etc.), a place (land or artifact), or an instant or sorcery that represents something from that period. Also you could make a planeswalker out of a person from that period.
4. The winner of each mini challenge gets two favorites in addition to choosing where we go next
5. You can enter as many as you want for each challenge
6. Entries must be balanced and realistic

Mini Challenge 4:
Golden Age of Piracy

Time Periods we've visited by @unicornsareevil13579


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