Khare, the Great Cityport (Ongoing)



  • edited January 2017
    I have a lot of stuff planned... It's just when it starts, things are gonna get weird outside of Khare!

    Edit: Nvm I guess, As I'm gonna switch to another project for the mean time. I will upload something tomorrow. I watched rogue one and I left the same as for the prior movie, with a lot of questions and disappointment. I'm gonna take the day off so that I bring great efforts on this forum post tomorrow. That and I feel awful after the buttery popcorn.
  • edited January 2017
    @KJMartin , what are your plans for the continuation of the Khare lore as we seemed to reach a drop off earlier in participation? I have ideas but if I make too many posts it'll just be lovecraft horror.
  • edited January 2017

    Zooming in on one of our characters of Khare, certainly an odd one. Sam has been continuing with whatever it is he does in his basement at the cemetery for quite a while. Every now and then he leaves although. Nobody is sure of what lies in that little abode!

    There has been a young lad who interested in magic and the unexplained, has heard the rumors about Sam. He is quite interested in this guy as he relates to him as he seems to have left home and ended up here. The young lad makes his way to the cemetery, not wavered by the warnings of citizens. He arrives on old Samuel's doorstep and knocks on the door. Samuel goes upstairs to the main floor unsure of what is going on. Nobody visits his place... Who would he asks himself! He answers the door to be greeted by the young lad.

    At this time the young lad starts talking with the patient Samuel about his unique skills he learned from some estranged people he once knew. Demonstrating his abilities he bends a piece of metal, from his pocket in the form of a coin! He flips it as it warps and ignites in a colorful combustion of flames. The young lad has practiced mixing various metals to create different colored flames to awe townsfolk. Generally, only the young children were fascinated. But the part Samuel was fascinated by was that nothing lit the flame.

    At that moment the young lad said his name is "Amyla" and asked the impressed Samuel if he can study under him or at least offer his help...


    What should Samuel choose... to accept the offer or decline? We'll let you the community decide as we're looking for new people! :) Pretty please!!!

    Don't be daunted by this long piece, It's just since we haven't had many people participate lately!
  • @modnation675 - Posting on other people's threads about a different challenge is considered "Hijacking" so we would prefer people not do that. It takes away from that person's thread, and a lot of those people don't appreciate having their thread disrespected.
  • @Corwinnn
    Sorry, won't happen again!
  • No worries @modnation675. I just wanted to let you know before you got started!
  • Thanks for deleting the comment before I did since... all I can do is turn it into a ugly "Revoked Comment" in the middle of a post.
  • I know this will sound dumb... but what does bump refer to? Keep in mind I'm quite literal at times, so I can be dense!
  • @modantion675
    Threads that have recently been commented on find their way onto the top of the first page...So it basically means to "bump the thread up".
  • Oh, okay. That's about what I was thinking! So I suppose I got this head checked well.

    Also how did you find my recent post for Khare?
  • @KJMartin
    I'm hopeful that this will continue! :(
  • @modnation675
    It seems to have reached a bit of a dead end, yah.
  • Announcement
    Since this thread has slowed down a bit, feel free to post anything to do with Khare to get it going again, not necessarily something to do with the last post. After someone's posted, it will continue as normal again.
  • @KJMartin
    I'll make some posts later on that hopefully will get people interested! :)
  • edited January 2017
    There was an abandoned house in the carnival of thieves that no one had dared get close to, even the most daring of thieves. Nobody went in, nobody came out. But one night there was a soft pulsating white light in the windows. It grew stronger and stronger every minute. Nobody could explain what was going on. Then the entire city was engulfed by the light... When the dust cleared... and the ringing stopped... corruption was nowhere to be seen...

    Hopefully that will get people some more inspiration to keep this chain going. :)
  • bump it up!
  • I'm not sure this is going to work. Hopefully some people join once some team challenges are done!

    When I'm doing less contests, I will post some more on this thread! :)
  • I'm fully interested in this contest, but I feel like I posted way too much and have sort of blocked off a lot of the creativity with boring card designs.
  • edited January 2017
  • Bump

    Been sleeping due to a flu and insomnia. I will make a post later though! :) Axolotl
  • @modnation675
    Poor you! Hope you're better soon.
  • @modnation675, @Shadikal and @Anyone else who is interested:
    To hopefully stir up a bit of interest, I'm going to be selecting my favorite cards so far and giving out prizes! I always meant to do this (as it says in the contest description, although the prizes will be very different) and afterwards posting a new card central to Khare! Hopefully this will get people making more cards.
  • No problem @KJMartin, I just got off of it! :)
    (It was slow boiling over the past few days --> While I made poorly done posts!)

    The quality posts will soon be back!

    Also, where should I start off from as supposedly all the corruption is gone from Khare! Have any ideas? Otherwise, you should make a card to get this on track as I'm unsure of where to start from for the moment.
  • That's the thing. Corruption sort of helped create this story and keep it fluid. There was a conflict and something to go against. Maybe try creating a mystery about how the purifying happened or whatever?

    The Cleansing Blast is somewhat a difficult card to bounce off of.
  • I think as of the moment people have been looking for instant gratification with the story! ... and that is the opposite of what lore is in the vast majority of circumstances.

    I could just ignore the previous comments and bounce back to the wandering student(?) if nobody else posts soon!
  • Canal Wayfarer was the last card I could find so I'll make one relating to that soon

    After the blast of dazzling light that came from Khare, Jovia a planeswalker taking refuge on Khare's plane had to investigate, When she found the backstreet of Fireview Square she saw dozens of screams coming from the underground, when she saw what was happening it was clear that, whatever the light did to the city, it was not enough.
This discussion has been closed.