Khare, the Great Cityport (Ongoing)



  • edited January 2017
    WINNERS are coming soon!
  • Wait, is this finishing!? noooo!

    The resonance of voices and light whired around Khare, but to a select few, something could be seen. A vision, as though the city became bare. Bones and flesh, darkness and decay, ashes falling from cloudy skies.

    Was this the fate of Khare, it's final words? Or perhaps this is what Khare is in its entirety. After all, the city was built on lies and deceit.
  • @Shadikal
    Don't worry - I'm going to give people a few things that could happen afterwards!
  • Wait for me! I've got something coming!
  • The Winners

    Now, at last, I announce the (possibly just first) winners of this challenge. These nomads have triumphed, and will forever sit in the planar "Hall of Fame".


    1st place: Rendori, Cult Waterspeaker by @Latinas. Congrats!!!
    This card interests me. While it is pretty darn overpowered, I feel like it's got a fun concept on it, and like how you managed to bring the cult into Khare. It makes sense
    that a cityport like Khare would have a hero to do with water as well!

    2nd place: Fireview Square Merchant by @Mila.
    This card is pretty cool. I really like the flavour, and the overall "feel" the card gives off. My only criticism? It's almost certainly too powerful. This comes down, discard one, draw two, and you've got value there - and it keeps on happening. Kudos for the concept anyway.

    3rd place: Absorbed Contemplator by @Yururu (did I spell it right?!? XD)
    I love seeing very simple, often vanilla, creatures, and cards with good flavour text/some form of poetry in their flavour text, so I really love this card! Although it's definitely not the most creative card I've ever seen, part of cardsmith is often finding old concepts and putting them together.

    4th place: Mutinous Egg by @Blazin_Biscuit.
    Wow, what a cool way to fit Eldrazi into Khare! I'm already trying to think up a storyline to explain how the artefact got there. The card itself is pretty cool as well (although you'll probably want to explain who was saying the flavour text).

    5th place: By Faith, By Duty by @Shadikal
    When I first heard the name, I thought it was from a real card - but no! The flavour text is awesome as well. My only problem would be that the "emergence" mechanic sounds wayyy to similar to emerge :/

    I've changed the prizes, but, be assured, some will be coming!
  • Sorry @IanLowenthal, but the contest hasn't ended yet!
  • @KJMartin You didn't wait for me!
  • Ah. Can I go off of Shadikal's last submission?
  • Poll

    This is mainly gestured towards @Faiths_Guide, @Modnation675, @mila, @Latinas and @Shadikal, since they were the ones who made the most entries, but any one can answer.

    We can do three things with this thread now the amount of card being made is slowing down:

    Option #1 (and my least favourite option): Leave the thread as it is, hoping people make more entries. Trouble is, the card production has slowed down a bit.

    Option #2 : I design a new "starting" character, the corruption is restored, and we can continue.

    Option #3 : We close this thread, but start a similar kind of contest in another thread, based around some kind of land, where you lead off the last card.

    What do you guys think?
  • Btw, entries are closed for everyone until the poll is finished.
    Sorry @IanLowenthal. You can submit your card if you like, but that will be it until the poll is finished.
  • Answer: #2
    Although I will accept #3 if we really need a fresh start!
  • edited January 2017
    I vote for number two and number three combined. Also, did you draw the map yourself?
  • @IanLowenthal
    Haha, I wish!
    I do believe it was from one of those "Fighting Fantasy" gamebooks.
  • edited January 2017
    There was only one thing the light didn't stop: the clanking underneath. Tarius had forgotten to notice it in the aftermath of the light, and the harrowing visions that that brought. But he heard it now. Or, at least, he heard it stop. The clanking that had been growing in intensity with Khare's darkness for all these long months had stopped. That could only mean one thing: the clockwork menace he had glimpsed before was finished. He shuddered, wishing it wasn't true but knew it was. He walked over to the trap door he had found before and wrenched it open, marveling at the great groan it gave. He walked down, and went deep under his beloved study to the great forges of Khare. There it was, it had been nothing but a simple framework before, but now it had expanded, grown to fill the whole chamber. He heard a noise, and saw a small man crouching under it, slowly turning the key to start the doom of Khare. He rarced towards the man to stop him, but it was too late. With a final heave, the man completed the last crank, and the machine whirred into life. It twisted, crushing the ceiling and its creator and crawled towards Tarius. The machine reached out and grasped Tarius, then stood up. It shattered the streets above and towered over all of Khare, so that Tarius could see it all, just like in his maps, so wonderful in its expansive beauty. The automaton croaked, then spoke. "Is this what you were trying to capture old man? I hope you enjoy it, it won't last long." Tarius startled at the automaton's speech, then whispered "yes." The automaton croaked again: "Good," and Tarius fell.


    I think that is a fitting end. Sorry @KJMartin for killing your character.
  • edited January 2017
    We need a new city and discussion. I've smashed the Artist's Quarter pretty badly. This is a really cool contest, I'm sad I missed it before.
  • @IanLowenthal
    LoL! That chaanges things.

  • The robot you alluded to on pg. 1 fascinated me. The light and visions seemed like the perfect thing to blame on it.
  • edited January 2017
    Option 2 would be cool. I like Khare and I feel like the lore could be expanded on but now that I've seen the beginning and the end of the story, I kinda want something new and fresh. So Option 3 is my way of going. A new story, a new character, a new setting and maybe a different conclusion. :)

    Also, I completely forgot that Emerge was a mechanic. My bad. Having two mechanics sounding similar is pretty terrible.

    Also, @IanLowenthal Nice tie in with the Titan there! Poor Jovia, didn't even make it past three cards before dying.

    Finally, I want to put this here. This was my conclusion card before I posted Clinging Darkness.
  • @KJMartin

    Looks good! It'll be interesting to see what happens now that we have an entire plain to work with rather than a city this time. New options getting opened up. I'm full on keen to see where it goes and participate of course.
  • I'd prefer option three as well. Thanks for 2nd place and asking for my oppinion. Sorry for answering that late...
  • Okay, so it seems decided then! :)
  • edited February 2017
    Sorry everybody! I'm still thinking of what the starting card should look like, since I think it will be king of the land, but the thread should be up soon.
  • Actually, if anyone wants to make the king of the realm, we can use that if they want.
  • edited February 2017
    I'll make it I guess. Is there going to be a new discussion for this? It'll be good for new entrants if you do it that way, imo.
  • @shadikal Yeah, there definitely will be.
  • @KJMartin Didn't I already make you one?
This discussion has been closed.