Cards disappearing?

so the last week or so I've made a couple of cards, when i was showing my friend they had disappeared, so I remade them and viewed them on my profile. when I went back they'd disappeared again. Does anyone know why this happens, or how to stop it?


  • Most likely it's a bug that @MTGCardsmith are dealing with right now. Or, it's possible you've reached the maximum card limit (1000), but unlikely, or you could just accidentally be creating them anonymously/on another account.
  • If they had reference to drugs, alcohol, sex, it might have been removed.
  • I agree with @TrippleBoggey3 - The big Purge was on December 1st, so if you didn't lose all your cards, then it was probably a terms of use violation. If so, just do what I do, and make the card, then use the download button to save it to your computer.
  • I made sure i wasn't at my card limit and I was logged into my account. one of the cards had a swear word in the flavour text, which i guess made sense for that one, but the other was completely fine with nothing bad on it, and they disappear as soon as they are published, asin, they will show up on my page, but when it's reloaded they are gone.
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