The Team Kontest #1 (A Kramp Kontest!)

Hello! Time for the first ever Kramp team Kontest!

Here is what will happen. You will sign up for the contest. On the 4th, you will be randomly assigned a teammate (or 2, depending on how many sign up. 2 will be the ideal number, however). I will start a conversation for your team. You will create a set of cards embodying the theme for the week.

What is this theme, you may ask? This week, you will be creating a new world. You will be tasked to make 22 cards for the world. Here is the basic template for what I want to see, although you can do any combination of cards as long as the core 5 colors are balanced.

3 Cards for each color (Common, Uncommon, Rare)
5 Multicolor (Preferably a cycle, although it does NOT have to be)
2 Colorless (Artifacts, Nonbasic Lands, Other (Think Ugin, Karn and the Eldrazi)
2 Mechanics (This is variable, if you make one large mechanic that is ok as well, At least one mechanic should be new)

Remember, you do NOT need to follow this basic setup exactly. For example, if you want to make a world all about artifacts, then feel free to cut the multicolor cards and make only artifacts, or if you want to use a mechanic that needs alot of space such as my Fusion mechanic, then feel free to only use one mechanic (As long as it's new).

The contest ends on Sunday, Janurary 22nd at 11:59 PM and will be judged the following day.


1st Place: 1 like on 5 cards of your choice for each team member.
2nd Place: 1 like on 3 cards of your choice for each team member
3rd Place: 1 like on the card of your choice for each team member.


EDIT: @Trippleboggy3 has basically said that this is the new Cardsmith Compilation Competition. I will be tagging everyone who has competed in a previous CCC Round in a seperate message to see if any of them would like to join. Thanks again, Tripple!


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