Alrighty! That took some time! I put a lot of thinking into this, and I think I made the right decisions.
Honourable mentions: Let's be honest, all of the cards on here are mentionable because I laughed a little bit (sometimes a lot) at every single entry. I'm you guys laughed at a lot of them too!
THIRD PLACE: You Have No Life by @Swegboss12 I thought this card was hilarious, especially the flavor text! This card is well done! It's also relatable!
SECOND PLACE: MY EYE! by @Ender I play tested this card and it works great!
FIRST PLACE: Hippopotamus World by @Death_Methods I laughed so hard when I saw this card, then I imagined all of the hilarious things it would have things say. "Search your library for a basic land and put it onto the hippopotamus, then shuffle your library." This was truly a creative card and I love it! Great job on this one!
So it has been decided, the funniest cards ever. Don't be ashamed if you didn't get a placing! I found all of these cards to be funny! I love all of the creative work you guys put into these cards, I look forward to making more challenges like this one soon! Thank you and congrats to all for surviving!
Honourable mentions:
Let's be honest, all of the cards on here are mentionable because I laughed a little bit (sometimes a lot) at every single entry. I'm you guys laughed at a lot of them too!
You Have No Life by @Swegboss12
I thought this card was hilarious, especially the flavor text! This card is well done! It's also relatable!
MY EYE! by @Ender
I play tested this card and it works great!
Hippopotamus World by @Death_Methods
I laughed so hard when I saw this card, then I imagined all of the hilarious things it would have things say. "Search your library for a basic land and put it onto the hippopotamus, then shuffle your library." This was truly a creative card and I love it! Great job on this one!
So it has been decided, the funniest cards ever. Don't be ashamed if you didn't get a placing! I found all of these cards to be funny! I love all of the creative work you guys put into these cards, I look forward to making more challenges like this one soon! Thank you and congrats to all for surviving!
to be continued.... >:D
If you could put the faves towards anything in this set, that would be stellular.
In a later time...we will see >:D
Btw, just favorite the cards you like the most. I don't really care which ones get favorited, tbh.