MTG Cardsmith User Tournament- Round #3
Welcome all to round #3 of the MTG Cardsmith User Tournament. I'm your host @dashdo101 and.. yep...
I'm not sure if you guys forgot put you guys actually get a prize for getting here! The prize is 1 favorite of your choice, and please state that or else I will think it's your entry.
Subject for Round #3
Make an artifact, or something that goes well with artifacts!
Thank you WOTC for that example!
Cardsmiths allowed to enter // pairs
@Faiths_Guide vs. @kltmtg29
@Rednaxela vs. @dudemantheguy
@KJMartin vs. @DomriKade
@TrippleBoggey3 vs. @Beeswax
End date: 1/15/17
Entries: 1, but can edit and change out the card for something else anytime
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
So, without further or do, let the games begin!
I'm not sure if you guys forgot put you guys actually get a prize for getting here! The prize is 1 favorite of your choice, and please state that or else I will think it's your entry.
Subject for Round #3
Make an artifact, or something that goes well with artifacts!
Thank you WOTC for that example!
Cardsmiths allowed to enter // pairs
@Faiths_Guide vs. @kltmtg29
@Rednaxela vs. @dudemantheguy
@KJMartin vs. @DomriKade
@TrippleBoggey3 vs. @Beeswax
End date: 1/15/17
Entries: 1, but can edit and change out the card for something else anytime
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
So, without further or do, let the games begin!
This discussion has been closed.
I'm not moving on.
Please don't join...
Maybe temp-ban him from the forums until the end date?
If you are not with me, then you are against me. Therefore if you are with me, please comment on my card. I have to defeat @Beeswax
@Dashdo101, Please don't mind the typo.
I know its an invention art, but there was no other good artwork for the card.
Rashmi is an anagram of Mishra
Half Life 3 confirmed
LOL! The update to the flavor text helps clarify what happened.
Tagging people to attract them to your card? Boy.
"In the battle of Argoth, Urza revealed Mishra to be a construct of flesh and Phyrexian metal. When Mishra completely abandoned his humanity to attack his brother, Urza released an enormous burst of power that destroyed both Mishra and the sentient forest they were fighting over.".. or so it was thought.
Later "During the events of Apocalypse, Urza, mesmerized by sights of Phyrexia, abandoned his fight and descended deep into the core of the world of glistening oil to bow before Yawgmoth. On his way, he met the body of Mishra deep in the Center of Phyrexia, wrecked with fresh pain and torments day in, day out, asking brother to help him out. However, as the entirety of Phyrexia is the direct product of Yawgmoth, and adding to that the somewhat unstable state of Urza's mind at the moment (or rather one could say it was never stable, especially with regard to his brother's demise), we can not be sure if it was really Mishra, who somehow survived the Sylex Blast; an apparition presented by Yawgmoth to further stress and confuse the great planeswalker; or merely Urza's hallucination." However, it was none of these. It was a vision of things occurring on another plane. Mishra was lost and feverishly tortured by his recent wounds, whether or not he would survive was an uncertainty.
Sorry for no space in between lines. It kills me to do it, but I had no choice.
Mother of Invention: A crucial part of Kaladesh is the Aether cycle. Elves, who inspire, Vedalken, who innovate, Dwarves, who build, Gremlins, who liberate, and Aetherborn, who reclaim. Nirveli Sridhar is the inventor of the "aether cycle" theory. (not officially) Her abilities reflect the cycle. The first ability (white) reflects building/strengthening constructions. The second (blue) reflects research and innovation. The third (black) represents reclaiming artifacts. The fourth (red) reflects "liberating" aether by destroying artifacts. The last (green) represents lifecrafting, a form of artifice in which creations are inspired by nature.
Still got one more card on the way!
Please favorite this:
Tbh just so I could get another card with ten faves
Best of luck to you, @KJMartin ! Here's my entry:
jk I know you'll win @Beeswax.