Really sorry about the huge delay, guys! I've been very busy with other contests, and this one kind of slipped my mind XD. I'll begin judging now and announce the results soon. Thank you for your patience!
Done! I really like the card. It's super flavorful and is very realistic. I could totally see this as a real Conspiracy card. My one criticism is that you didn't put quotation marks around the flavor text, but that's a very minor detail. I'm just a stickler about those little things XD
1st place: @Animist with Jeskai Windwatcher!
2nd place: @Plasma with Amonkhet Guardians!
3rd place: @Faiths_Guide with Valiant Longsword!
Honorable Mentions: @unicornsareevil13579 with Roc's Wingate, @KrampisZman with Tree-Branch Sloth, and @LyndonF with Front Line Soldier!
Congrats to all, and thank you so much for entering. Winners, please comment on this thread and tell me which of your cards to favorite!
Fave my newest please? I'd love feedback too!
Ya, the quotations were left off intentionally as I didn't want a character to be saying it. Thanks a bunch!