@Brainifyer You don't really have room for flavor text but for anyone with this problem, just post flavor text beside it and you will probably get a higher mark.
Round 4: The next challenge is to make a card with flavor text including: 'He always finds what he is looking for.' The 'he' can be replaced with 'she' or 'it' or they etc.
A friendly reminder; I loooove reading flavor text.
Round 6: Next challenge is to make a card with the picture here: http://wallpapercave.com/wp/OCuw7iD.jpg I am not sure who it is by though - on the site it was put on by a guy called 'caveman'.
You don't really have room for flavor text but for anyone with this problem, just post flavor text beside it and you will probably get a higher mark.
Shouldn't that be converted mana cost X not mana cost X, or is it supposed to be that?
@Cybernekit: 3P
@Jyagaimasu: 2.5P
@Brainifyer: 3.5P
@Odogom: 3P
@Credius: 2.5P
1. @Credius: 9P
1. @Jyagaimasu: 9P
3. @TenebrisNemo: 6.5P
4. @Cybernekit: 6P
4. @Brainifyer: 6P
6. @DomriKade: 4P
7. @Odogom: 3P
8. @Pstmdrn: 2.5P
8. @ASubtleGhost: 2.5P
The next challenge is to make a card with flavor text including:
'He always finds what he is looking for.'
The 'he' can be replaced with 'she' or 'it' or they etc.
@Hergusbergus: 4P
@Jyagaimasu: 2.5P
1. @Jyagaimasu: 11.5P
2. @Credius: 9P
2. @Cybernekit: 9P
4. @TenebrisNemo: 6.5P
5. @Brainifyer: 6P
6. @DomriKade: 4P
6. @Hergusbergus: 4P
8. @Odogom: 3P
9. @Pstmdrn: 2.5P
9. @ASubtleGhost: 2.5P
The next challenge is to make a card with FirstStrike Deathtouch
@HergusBergus: 2.5P
@Credius: 2.5P
@Corwinnm: 3.5P
@Jyagaimasu: 3P
1. @Jyagaimasu: 14.5P
2. @Credius: 11.5P
2. @Cybernekit: 11.5P
4. @Hergusbergus: 6.5P
4. @TenebrisNemo: 6.5P
6. @Brainifyer: 6P
7. @DomriKade: 4P
8. @Corwinnn: 3.5P
9. @Odogom: 3P
10. @Pstmdrn: 2.5P
10. @ASubtleGhost: 2.5P
A friendly reminder; I loooove reading flavor text.
Round 6:
Next challenge is to make a card with the picture here:
I am not sure who it is by though - on the site it was put on by a guy called 'caveman'.