Account missing

My main account has disappeared. I've kept premium membership on it and two more accounts consistently, and my main account, Biblio has all my cards organized in 60 sets. What happened? This is distressing.


  • edited May 2017
    1) Did the premium run out by chance or was it still active?
    2) Has the account also been used since the beginning of January this year?

    Supposedly there was gonna be a site wide clearing of cards from accounts that aren't premium and also haven't been active since the first of January this year. (Otherwise, this is an odd case!)

    This was scheduled for May 21st, 2017.

    For further details, follow the link below!
  • It's been premium the whole time. It's been used for adding cards to sets. I can't put new cards into it until I go through a massive culling process since it was already at 2700 cards when the 2000 limit was established. Now I can't access my sets at all.
  • Then I'd have to reference you to either @Corwinnn or @mtgcardsmith. Hopefully they can fix any issues.
  • That is distressing.... We'll look into it!!
  • It's been moved over to the secure server, so maybe you have an old link?
  • edited May 2017
    Thank you for the help, I hadn't found a reference to it prior.

    I thought it was since it hasn't had as recent uploads compared to the other Biblio accounts.
  • When I search for cards made on that account, I still don't find any. But it let me log on for it now.
  • edited May 2017
    Yes, I've determined that due to your account's cards being located on the secure server that they aren't accessible by the search engine temporarily.

    Aside from this, you can be sure your cards are safe as I can see them on our end. (This may occur for other users as the servers are being re-allocated, so this is a good reference.)
  • @Biblio4 - I've noticed a lot of missing things when doing searches today. I was starting a list when I saw all of this. I think it's just a glitch that popped up in transition. Your cards are still there, and your account is still Premium!
  • Hey guys, a few clarifications here!
    Biblio, your accounts are still active, and have remained patreon premium since you began support - no worries there.

    The reason things have started disappearing from search is because of a recent change we made to the search algorithm. Due to the (almost insane) amount of cards we are carrying in the database, we needed to limit the lookback date for search to within the last two years. Most of the cards within Biblio (main) account are older than that, but if you log into the account directly you will still see everything exists.

    Our hope is that the upcoming purge will alleviate the need for this limit until we find a better solution (caching, optimized queries) - but for now we need to do something quickly.

    Let me know if there are further issues or concerns on this topic, we're happy to help!
  • New Ability: Purge (When this card enters the battlefield, all cards on the battlefield older than two years are removed from gameplay.)
  • It's nice to know that our first thoughts were correct. It lets us know that we're getting better at troubleshooting for college.

    Regardless, thank you for the help as well as the response to the comments under the Spring updates.
  • Just in case:
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