I am going to have another quick round of voting between the 4 cards that tied. In this new round, send me your vote for one of the following: Verimancer Memory Crystal Sorcerers Palaver Wanderer Returns
Congratulations @Faiths_Guide, @Gelectrode, and @Brainifyer. 1st Place: Verimancer. 5 favorites and a follow 2nd Place: Memory Crystal. 5 favorites 3rd Place: Wanderer Returns. 3 favorites I will favorite the cards I like from your profile.
Thank you all for participating and I hope you enjoyed the contest.
Thanks! Can you please favorite Asylkracher Mystic, Adylkracher Beekeeper, Allabass Cryptic Conniver, and Ludevic's MAsterpiece? You should be able to find them on my front page.
Third entry. The name was meant to be Skywhale's Song.
Apologies, I didn't realize voting was taking place.
1) Memory Crystal
2) Verimancer
Memory Crystal
Sorcerers Palaver
Wanderer Returns
Vote: Memory Crystal
Assuming I can't vote for myself (:P), Verimancer.
1st Place: Verimancer. 5 favorites and a follow
2nd Place: Memory Crystal. 5 favorites
3rd Place: Wanderer Returns. 3 favorites
I will favorite the cards I like from your profile.
Thank you all for participating and I hope you enjoyed the contest.
Thanks for the contest!
Favouriting the cards you like is always best. It is what I do.