Storybuilder Contest

Expand the story!

This contest will be held over two rounds. The round will start with either me (to begin with) or the winner of the previous round submitting a card. Then, new people can post cards that could relate story-wise to the main card for that round. To qualify for the round, the card must have flavor text. Each round will last until 5 people have entered that round. Then, I'll judge the submitted cards. (Not the main one for the round, but the five others) Finally, you can't submit one of the five cards if your card is the one other people are making cards for.

First Place-A follow (If I'm not following you already) and 4 favorites of the cards of your choice.
Second Place-A follow (If I'm not following you already) and 3 favorites of the cards of your choice.
Third Place-2 favorites of my choice.
Fourth Place-1 favorite of my choice.

Anyway, onto the starting card...



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