Build a God, a Bear? (Closed)



  • edited July 2017
    Here are my entries, I enjoyed creating them. In the future I may create a 10 card cycle of them.




    Some have minor formatting issues, but if I re-created the card every time there was an issue, it would take a long time, so please excuse them.
  • edited June 2017
    Deleted. Not happy with that entry in retroperspective :D
  • edited June 2017
    If you care about winning, make sure to add some art. I'd also try to make the text easier to read given the cluttered nature.

    In addition to other details.
  • edited June 2017
  • edited June 2017
    Just a warning everybody. But if your card has has a major exploit or is imbalanced, it will be less likely to exceed the others.
  • @modnation675
    Do you see any of my cards as unbalanced or have a possible exploit? If there is I will try and fix it.
  • edited June 2017
    I'll post feedback to each of your cards' pages.

    Edit: All feedback has been posted, so hopefully it feels fair.
  • @modnation675
    Could you please post feedback onto mine as well? I'm usually quite terrible at balancing.
  • edited June 2017
    No problem, I'll post when I've done so.
  • edited June 2017
  • @modnation675
    Alright. Thank you.
  • edited June 2017
    Overall the cards are cool, but I'd recommend two main things. Other feedback has been posted on the card pages.

    1) Phyrexian mana should only be used in abilities rather than card casting costs. This is where it shines.
    2) I think the gods need to feel more like they have an innate synergy/theme rather than a choice ability. Although, an example of something contrary to this is the following.
  • edited July 2017
    Here is my take on a God!

    • In my opinion, Gods should help out the mortals only if they are worthy of assistance. After pondering different takes on this idea, I came up with the idea about a casting restriction. It shouldn't be so hard with Erothess, but you just need to be careful that you don't fill your deck full of Elf mana dorks.

    • Another common theme in Gods is that they do not die. They are Gods after all! In Erothess, whenever she would leave the battlefield at all, she would simply go back to your hand. However, if your opponents killed other creatures you control as well, it may be difficult casting Erothess again.

    • No, the second ability isn't a typo. The creature remains a copy of another creature indefinitely.


  • @Gelectrode Gods don't die. They merely slumber.
  • edited June 2017
    @sanjaya666, or just fly away when they realize they are losing!

    EDIT: What flavor text is that from?
  • @Gelectrode Eldrazi Monument.
  • Due to my belief that most gods (except the Egyptian gods) should be able to take any form.
  • edited June 2017

    Nice card, that's exactly what I wanted my 2nd entry to look like in terms of abilities (except for the casting restriction), but you just did a much better job at creating a "Copy God", which "forces" me to redo my 2nd entry (which I wans't really happy with in the first place) :D
  • Finally made a card symbolizing a pact with a god. (Not an entry!)

  • So many entries
  • Yep, turns out it's quite popular.
  • edited June 2017
    The turn out has been fabulous everybody. Thank you so much for the support! :)

    We'll be starting a draft effects contest on July 3rd for those interested. The prizes will also be equivalent to this one. Cards from today onward will be accepted towards the upcoming contest. We can't wait to see what people create!
  • Final Entry:

    The lore behind him is that when everything on the plane was wiped out, leylines came together to form new gods.
    Ekreqt is the only one of the new gods that knows of the past of the plane, but is very quiet about this information and only shares it with a select few.

    Only problem with this lore is that I don't know what happens when Bolas "devastates" planes, so this lore may or may not be plausible :/
  • edited July 2017
  • edited June 2017
    That card itself makes an infinite engine, so you may want to re-balance it.

    Marchesa, the Black Rose is a good reference for effects of this nature.
  • 2nd entry changed.

This discussion has been closed.