


  • @modnation makes everything a cheap modular that dodges counters shrug shrug. Also is instant speed so shenanigans. I mean it is a common sooo
  • edited July 2017
    Ehhh. :(

    Good thing I don't play Standard given this mentality.
  • edited July 2017
  • @Asubtleghost
    Shameless plug is shameless...
  • @NokiSkaur Beg your Pardon ?
  • edited July 2017
    @ASubtleGhost made a Subtle Ghost.
  • @ASubtleGhost I see where you're taking it but there are problems with your mechanic. You have to remember a full card after it has been shuffled into deck, perhaps multiples. It requires shuffling which is annoying in general. Third, you would have to add something that makes it reveal itself.

    What would you guys think of a version that while you control a specified thing, you can pay mana, reveal the thought card, then put it on bottom and get an instant/sorcery like effect. Also, what do you think of tribal for this set? Since an effect like that has more pushes for players to play certain types of decks and that could be one way to do that. I know we already have a lot of tribal sets coming out soon, but we have some weird tribes we could do.
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    Something in this ballpark would be what is described above
  • @brcien That's quite a bit of remainder text. It's also probably to complex to be seen at common, and we can't have the commons being devoid of the main mechanic of the set.
  • @brcien I'm not sure a tribal them would fit. A plane based created by imagination would contain a plethora of unique and different creatures, would it not?
  • @Brainifyer Of course there would be many weird creatures, but it also seems like a place where some tribals could fit from the swamp side and off the idea of "imagining there to be more than there are".With weird things like Frog people and flaming skeletons, it seems like some really neat tribals could be founded on Fabacin. I wouldn't say go to town with it but the idea is there.
  • I have noooooooooo clue if there will be voodoo involved somehow in a jungle/swamp world. I also have no clue if there are already planeswalkers for this plane or if there's a set lore. BUT, if there is voodoo, here's my planeswlaker Vaela. Her whole curse theme could tie into the plane's consciousness to reality idea.
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  • Since Vryn and the Renaissence set are both going for enchantment subthemes, think we should stay clear of them. However, a voodoo card or two is fine since if you look at the only real card from Fabacin it looks very voodoo
  • I don't know if Slivers have their place on Fabacin, but if they do, here's one.
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    Still looking for good mechanics.
  • Dream: When this creature dies, return it to the battlefield with an additional -1/-1 counter on it. It has flying as long as it has a -1/-1 counter.
  • What do other people think about Dream? We know Dreams at least affect the flora on Fabacin
  • I don't mind it, it's design space might be a bit small and a bit broken. Possibly "this creature has as long as it has a -1/-1 counter on it to open design space a little. Here's a dream card: image

    I think I'll make some more, more interesting bats. Probably UB aligned.
  • Found out a major problem with dream: It enters an infinite death loop one the creature would die from the counters.
  • @Brainifyer
    Dream (When this creature dies except due to having a -1/-1 counter placed on it, return it to the battlefield with the same amount plus one of -1/-1 counters.)

    The only issue I have is the Vizier effect also breaks this and that there are some awkward exploits to the card.
  • Dream seems really close to Undying to me and not sure what flavor dreams have to do with undying
  • edited July 2017
    Comment deleted
  • Control card for green??
  • bump--Lorwyn mechanics seem to be naturally leaned toward. What would you have put in that block?
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    Maybe split colored mana??? It is a loved mechanic that has tapped out for a few years.
  • edited July 2017
    [Under maintenance]
  • Aww sad knight. So sad he doesn't even have a creature type.
This discussion has been closed.