@sanjaya666 the name came up pretty easily when I looked it up, so I thought there was a card. There's not though, and there definitely should be. Good Job. My only critique is that it feels synergy-less
The contest is ending today. I'm leaving it open so @atrus159 can remake his card (if he wants to), but judging will begin today. Results will be up by Monday, but I don't have an exact date.
@stormtide here, sorry I took so long. I would have liked the cards to go to the graveyard but I think having a modern legal card that mills your entire library could actually be problems, even though you would have to run it as a one-of.
I always felt that the story of Shadows over Innistrad could have been amazing if it focused more on the characters of Innistrad, and not the planeswalkers. I also dreamed of Thalia, one of my favorite MTG characters, becoming a planeswalker, or having our first Angel planeswalker. So, here would be Thalia as the Saviour of Innistrad leading her army full of devotion for Avacyn and their home.
Just the comma, XD
@modnation675 Ya ya, ecks dee...
How do you mean?
Oh, my bad! I thought I'd looked at this contest earlier and it was something different.
Alternate timeline where Nissa dies in the fight with the Eldrazi
here, sorry I took so long. I would have liked the cards to go to the graveyard but I think having a modern legal card that mills your entire library could actually be problems, even though you would have to run it as a one-of.