Recurring Artwork Challenge #3 - Horror

Hey guys!

Long time, no see (in terms of this challenge I guess). But here it is, the next installment in my not at all intermittent "Recurring Artwork Challenge". :)

Since I'm a huge fan of great artwork on magic cards, I'd like to host a challenge on a regular basis, where I'll post up to three artworks with a different theme each time. Then you create an awesome card for it. :)

One entry per artwork. You can create any kind of card you like, no restrictions, as long as you're using the given artworks. You can edit the entry as many times as you like till I close the challenge for judging.
Judging will occur roundabout one to two weeks after the start of the challenge, this time it'll be the 25.08.17

- Color, ability, and flavor matching to the artwork
- Balance (no OP cards please)
- Proper MTG wording and grammer

There'll be three winners per challenge, one for each artwork. They each get three favorites of my choice and maybe a follow ;) Also I'll favorite all entries I like.

Here are the three artworks for this challenge. The overall theme is "Horror".

1st artwork by cubehero (Deviantart)

2nd artwork by Felipe Escobar Bravo

3rd artwork by David Rivera


This discussion has been closed.