Swift Challenge #1: Gods (closed for entries)

So I was thinking that a good way to see actually how good people are with using their creativity and the resources applenty around them to create magnificent cards, was by making challenges that left little time to either process of creating a card, be it looking for artwork or looking for a balance of abilities and effects.

So here it is, my first swift challenge.

General Rules of Swift Challenge:
- From the moment we have 5 participants, you all have exactly 1 week to create a balanced card.
- Cards used for the challenge may only be made within that frame of one week (trust me, I'll check the datestamps)
- The usual rules of keeping it clean-ish (no profanity, pornography, etc)
- All cards will get a favorite

Winner gets: 5 additional favorites of choice and a trophy
Second place gets: 3 additional favorites of choice
Third place gets: 2 additional favorites of choice

Rules of Swift Challenge #1
-Create a eqyptian themed god (Amonkhet)
-Effects and abilities of your card must be similar to how the Amonkhet Gods are.
-Cards may NOT be monocolored (artifact and colorless are allowed)

THIS CONTEST ENDS AT 29 September at 11.59 PM GMT +1 :P (belgian time)




This discussion has been closed.