Growing up/Fusion!
Very recently, while I was browsing art, I had a stroke of inspiration and made a large series of cards that depicted a starting creature fusing with another creature card to show growth or development in some way using a base form and a "growth" form. (Examples at the end.)
What I'd like to do is challenge you all to make cards with this idea in mind. However, let's establish some ground rules.
1. Each smith is allowed up to two entries. (This maximum comprises of a base and up to two "growth" forms or two bases, each with a respective "growth" form.)
2. Judging will begin at the start of February.
3. Please please please discuss cards on their respective pages, not on this thread.
4. Find a way to not so subtly mention cherries to prove that you actually read these.
5. Exercise general courtesy.
1st: Five favorites and a choice of an honorable mention.
2nd: Four favorites.
3rd: Three favorites.
Winners and HM will be shown off in the cardsmith hall of fame.
The deadline for entries is January 31st at 4pm MST.
Have fun!
(Examples. Full sets containing all colors and multiple evolution lines can be found on my profile because I can't HTML well.)
What I'd like to do is challenge you all to make cards with this idea in mind. However, let's establish some ground rules.
1. Each smith is allowed up to two entries. (This maximum comprises of a base and up to two "growth" forms or two bases, each with a respective "growth" form.)
2. Judging will begin at the start of February.
3. Please please please discuss cards on their respective pages, not on this thread.
4. Find a way to not so subtly mention cherries to prove that you actually read these.
5. Exercise general courtesy.
1st: Five favorites and a choice of an honorable mention.
2nd: Four favorites.
3rd: Three favorites.
Winners and HM will be shown off in the cardsmith hall of fame.
The deadline for entries is January 31st at 4pm MST.
Have fun!
(Examples. Full sets containing all colors and multiple evolution lines can be found on my profile because I can't HTML well.)
This discussion has been closed.
Now as soon as a saw this title I immediately thought of the popular cartoon series Steven Universe and just had to make a Fusion progression for this contest. I'm not sure if it counts towards the contest itself, that's completely up to you @Lujikul, but I'll post it here just in case!
First we have a fusion with a branching evolution depending on what card you exile.
Perhaps a bit overpowered in his evolved forms, but I think keeping a 1/1 alive long enough to cast an angel or demon (who normally have high cmc) is a challenge worth the reward.
Also, my favorite milkshake flavor is chocolate cherry.
Did you know that cherries contain a combination of nutrients that can help lower your risk of cancer?
By the way, does anyone own a sodastream? They are absolutely amazing.
(Entries will be posted later when I can collect artwork.)
Duly noted. No artificials! XD