Masters 25 Prediction and Preview Thread



  • @Lujikul They really dropped the ball on this one.
  • edited March 2018
    @Tigersol: it still hurts big time to open a 1$ mythic in a 10$ pack. Not just Tree, but both Akromas, Prossh, Gisela, etc...are of very low value. And about Tree, it in no way says anything about how cool Innistrad was.

    @Tigersol @KrampisZman: I'm sure Ixalan had more iconic cards than Dreadmaw. The likes of Hostage Taker, Charging Monstrosaur and Search for Azcanta are more iconic. Hell, if they really wanted a common, then Territorial Hammerskull, Jade Guardian, One With The Wind and Sailor of Memes Means are a few cards I remember more fondly from Ixalan limited. Dreadmaw simply doesn't need reprints. At this point stores can have a Dreadmaw tray like they do for basics.

    I was also annoyed with Thresher Lizard as the AKH common. If anything, Gust Walker was a format-defining common in AKH Limited. Anointer Priest is another all-star common from AKH that actually sees competitive play. Oketra's Monument could have been printed at common, too.

    @KrampisZman: and that cycling payoff is called ASTRAL SLIDE! How did they not print this? They could have printed Drake Haven too. And why no Gary and Nykthos? In a set with Obliterator?

    @Lujikul @KrampisZman: No Storm Crow is certainly an egregious exclusion, but no Erhnam Djinn in a set with Armageddon? Preposterous! They took the Erhnam out of Erhnamgeddon.

  • @KalamMekhar I have nothing wrong with a Dreadmaw reprint. I actually think it is a good reprint for what they needed it to do.

    I do wish they had given it new art though.

    Astral Slide is a fine payoff, but personally I don't think there is enough white cycling in the set to justify it. There is a reason cube designers tend to steer clear of the slide, it's narrow.

    But like, really? No Storm Crow??
  • @KrampisZman: but I absolutely adore Slide...
  • @KalamMekhar It's a fun card! Just maybe not for a limited environment that is this light on cycling...
  • @KrampisZman: honestly they could have gone a bit more all in on cycling and made it a subtheme. They had Broken Horror of the Lands and Renewed Faith in there, just needed a few more cyclers and a payoff or two.
  • Coulda reprinted Burning Inquiry, come to think of it...
  • @KalamMekhar They didn't know Burning Inquiry was going to spike like that. It's not exactly a good card outside the one deck that plays it.
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