Dominaria Leaks (spoiler alert)



  • Darn, looks like I was wrong about Ezuri and regenerate. Oh well. The new frame looks nice!
  • A commenter on the “Dominaria Leaks” thread on MTG Salvation described the “*character*’s *dramatic adjective* *noun*” cycle (eg Kamahl’s Druidic Vow, Urza’s Ruinous Blast) as the personification of being shoved in lockers and bullied for being a nerd. I say, that person must have had one tough middle school life - I doubt anybody has been shoved in a locker in fifteen years.
  • So...recently I was stumbling along commander vids bc I am a huge commander fan and I stumbled across two huge things for mtg...

    First off: There is a new format called brawl where it is basically 60 card commander at 30 life with legendary creatures or planeswalkers

    Second: Commander 2018’s theme was announced...(disappointed look of shame)...
    Me: Is it Allied colors?!
    WOTC: No, remember when we did those planeswalker decks...
    Me: Yea...
    WOTC: Well, we did it again!
    Me: Your kidding right?! Are they at least allied colors?
    WoTC: I dunno are they?
    Me: (walks away while fl*pp*ing off wizards...knowing full well I will buy one anyways)
  • edited March 2018
    I was pretty disappointed and so were all my friends...we play a lot of commabder

    I forgot to mention for those of u who haven’t read up on break yet the cards have to be in standard
  • edited March 2018
    Yeah, I already made a sw88t Admiral Beckett Brass brew for Brawl.
  • Brawl looks neat, but it's not for me. I'm not big on rotating card pools, since I really only play Limited and casual.

    @DoctorFro , with last year's tribal Commander release, WotC said that they're moving away from strict color divisions. So we're not going to get a release that's ALL allied colors, but there could be a deck or two in the next release that has what you're looking for.
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