Beach Party Contest Chatter

Have a comment, question or thought about the current Beach Party Contest? Post it here!

Good luck to all contestants!


  • edited June 2015
    Left alone this is a cool theme for a contest, I have to compliment you on how you keep in touch with the community - be it by keeping an open ear for suggestions, or flat out putting members in charge of events like this.
    You guys rock!
  • Thanks @Chairforce! Looking forward to your entry. :)
  • you guys should make it so on the website enchantment creature actually have that sparkly background example:
  • @seanabit - They already know that... that's why they're trying to raise money through the crowdfunding. This thread is for the beach party contest.. so we can talk about it and save space on the entry page just for entries (I honestly don't know why... I mean, it's not like anyone around here ever talks on and on about random useless things on, in or around other people's cards. It just never happens... well except for that one time when Chad forgot to send out the party invitation until the last minute. But really it was his own fault, I mean..... c'mon Chad... how are we supposed to look our beachy best without at least seven days notice? I had to bleach my hair, buy a new surfboard, have it waxed, get a mani/pedi, get myself waxed, go to the tanning salon three times and pick out the perfect outfits. And thanks to Chad, I didn't have time for ANY of that.)
    The best way to get the sparkly backgrouds is to donate, and ask your friends to donate!!
  • @Corwinnn is completely correct. New card backgrounds and features are what we're all about, but we need some help to get everything done. (Never done!)

    I had forgotten about the last party - thanks a lot, @Chaaad! (You will notice he wasn't invited to this party.)
  • @mtgcardsmith - Thanks for not inviting @Chaaad! Although he may try to crash the party... you know, cuz he's Chad!
  • edited June 2015
    How many entrants are expected? Also are double sided cards okay? Like the new planeswalkers or the transform cards from the Innistrad block?
  • @LegendXP
    We have no way of guessing how many entries will be produced. The halloween one produced about ten pages, so that's a rough estimate. Double-sided cards are totally fine, regardless of planeswalkerness.
  • Oh man, I missed Halloween!!
  • Awesome entries so far everyone! It's going to be a tough decision. May the Spark have mercy on our judges souls.
  • I really feel bad for the judges.
  • @Gavin - Don't feel too bad! After all, they did volunteer for the job!
  • Voluntary judge. Seems kinda wrong. Like, fate is being placed in the hands of someone who was like "Sure, why not?"

    And yeah, don't feel bad for the judges, knowing them, they probably enjoy this kind of sadistic torture. Sickos.
  • Why hasn't my submission shown up yet?
  • Submissions updated this morning!
  • When are the winners being announced for the Beach Party Contest?
  • We're narrowing down the finalists list now, expect that list in the next two days. Thanks!
  • With judges in at least 3 different countries, that's pretty good time!
  • @Corwinnn Yep, our judges are all-stars! Taking time off from their busy MTG Pro Tour schedules to help with our Party.
  • So this is purely for curiosity, but why are there member judges for this contest? What was the reasoning behind that decision?
  • @Adnorap, to mix it up. I don't want to always be "the decider" with community events like this, I already make enough decisions. Also it offers some different opinions on custom cards, which is always a good thing for the community as a whole. The judges volunteered, knowing they couldn't participate/compete for prizes which was incredibly awesome of them.

    We've also considered running a "winner is the judge" contest format, and there is even a perk to "Run your own contest" in our crowdfunding campaign. We're very open to different formats, and this one has been a great success so far. :)
This discussion has been closed.