A supporting Planeswalker to my deck, Johan, Fiendish Diplomat: Johan is based on me. I am considering going by that shortened version of my middle name. (There are two other Wesleys at my school so I also wanted to avoid confusion)
sorry to add another question to a long line of "unclears," but is there any specific ratio between custom and noncustom cards, or has it changed completely?
This is an old card i made but one of the ideas i am toying with
Johan is based on me. I am considering going by that shortened version of my middle name. (There are two other Wesleys at my school so I also wanted to avoid confusion)
It's possible.
I must know your secrets!
New Commander
So infinte discard?
My Untap.in username is the same as it is here, bigbadbooknerd.
I took a picture of it with my phone, that uploaded it to imgur.com and copied the image from there.
I'm talking about the card draw in the first ability.
May we opt to use a 100 card deck for all rounds? Just wondering, because I'm not used to making constructed size commander decks.
Sorry, I don't think I'll be able to join after all.
Yeah, sorry about that guys. I just don't know how my schedule is gonna look in the next while.
Turns out the immediate busyness didn't happen. Due to various reasons!
Is it still okay, if I join this tournament possibly?
It will start when everyone is ready. I don't want to rush you
Sweet. How many cards have to be custom, because we already built a CMDR deck excluding the custom cards? (60 card not the 100 one.)
I have a majority, 24 cards, but 10 is good.