Affinity for...
Hello, fellow Cardsmiths! Welcome to my newest contest, Affinity For! (If you don't know what Affinity is, just look it up on Gatherer.) Affinity for what, you may ask? Well, anything you want! (Except artifacts. That's been done before.) For example, there was once a cycle of cards that had affinity for the basic land types:
-Card must have affinity for something other than artifacts.
-4 max entries
-Only 1 of those entries can be made before 10/7/18, but it doesn't have to be. The rest must be made after that date.
-Cards will be judged on flavor and power level/balance.
-Contest ends on 11/10/18
-Honorable Mentions get 1 favorite
-3rd place gets 3 favorites
-2nd place gets 4 favorites
-1st place gets 5 favorites.
Now then! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. But after that, Good Luck, Have Fun, and Happy Cardsmithing!
-Card must have affinity for something other than artifacts.
-4 max entries
-Only 1 of those entries can be made before 10/7/18, but it doesn't have to be. The rest must be made after that date.
-Cards will be judged on flavor and power level/balance.
-Contest ends on 11/10/18
-Honorable Mentions get 1 favorite
-3rd place gets 3 favorites
-2nd place gets 4 favorites
-1st place gets 5 favorites.
Now then! If you have any questions, feel free to ask. But after that, Good Luck, Have Fun, and Happy Cardsmithing!
This discussion has been closed.
An invention meant to capture and hold the power needed for spells in an easy to move fashion. It ended up capturing and utilizing said power instead as it slithered off from those who created it.
More of the Izzet, couldn't help it.
Got an entry here. Maybe a first of four, but we'll see. I really love how this turned out.
NOTE: Volcanic Apocalypse costs 15RRRRR (CMC=20)
EDIT: I've added my fourth and final entry here. Ascendant Overseer of Beasts.
Hope you all like it. I had fun smithing these two.
EDIT: Ascendant Overseer is based on one of my favorite cards, Advocate of the Beast. I did my best to give a classic, but revamped, ability.
(Legit made on cardsmith. To do this, just do {12} or any number below that in the Mana Cost slot. Above 12 doesn't work. I tried.)
You might find this interesting (ignoring affinity as a keyword).