@TezzeretofCarmot21, I used to be good. I’ve lost my edge. I’m a little sore still that my parents wouldn’t let me give screen recording software, because I have no proof that I beat the original 20/20/20/20 (what Scott thought to be impossible and Mark beat barely) with power left. Yes I am bragging and yes I am still salty.
Thanks! Unfortunately most people look at me as though I am an idiot for telling such a foolish "lie." oh well... (It was a lot of trial, error, and luck)
Sorry. This contest is in a sort of limbo until I can find the time to judge it. Feel free to submit more entries, but it is not required. Basically: Do whatever you please until I can find the time.
@TheMechanix w/ Deepsea Predator
@Skrypt w/ Peek Through The Curtains
@Shadow29870 w/ Foxy the Scalywag
@Lujikul w/ Brutal Lawsuit
Below is the judging link:
@Corwinnn, whenever the time seems right, maybe at 6 am, please close this contest!