Thalia breathed a sigh of relief. Emrakul was gone. She, and the rest of the Order still had work to do, but the remaining Eldritch Abominations were nowhere near the threat Emrakul herself had been, or rivaled the raw power of Brisela. They would be finished soon enough. Sure, there would be the usual monsters that plagued them, and any truce she had with the vampires had expired and they would soon be enemies once more, but compared to the influence Emrakul had put on the world, this was all normal.
It had been nearly a week since Emrakul was imprisoned, the silver moon a new Helvault for the alien fiend. Thalia was still mulling over everything she had learned. Planeswalkers, beings from other worlds. There were other worlds out there. The thought had shaken her. A planeswalker brought Emrakul here, yet there were also planeswalkers that immediately came to fight against her. That posed a pressing question for her: were planeswalkers just like her? She knew obviously she wasn't a planeswalker, so she didn't pose the question literally, but these were beings from other worlds, worlds with different environments, creatures, cultures, customs. Could the beings from these other worlds still hold the same core values, desires, ambitions, and traits she or any other sentient being from her world did? It seemed unfathomable, yet here were six planeswalkers willing to fight for the greater good of a world they had no connection to. If she was a planeswalker she certainly would've done the same, so does that mean there are more than just those five like her, willing to fight those that threatened the masses? On the flip side, were there more planeswalkers like the one who brought Emrakul here? Ones who had surrendered themselves to villainy, ambition, and the pleasure of suffering? If both these types of characters existed, and the broad traits that made thinking, empathetic beings like her existed across the world, were more planeswalkers good or evil? She would call the average human of her world good, but not all humans were planeswalker, and inversely, what if not all planeswalkers were human? What would a werewolf planeswalker be like, or a vampire? Her own world may harbor these otherworldly beings and she may be faced with them. Another thought occurred to her as she pondered this, one that made her tremble gently: could a demon be a planeswalker? She had lost the church to the Skirsdag, after all; the influence of a demon on humans was one of twisted devotion and a loss of all dignity. Could a demon like Ormendahl be a planeswalker?
@pjbear2005 Slight Problem... It is near impossible to find artwork of a woman that is or looks like Samut, let alone find one set in ancient Egypt or a desert.
After the destruction of Naktamun, Temmet set foot out in the deserts themselves searching for guidance. He was greeted by Khenset the Desert King. Khenset told him there was nothing he could do other than let zombies devour him. Temmet, cursing the desert and Nicol Bolas himself, wandered to an enormous mound of sand. He had nothing better to do, therefore he climbed to the top so the dead gods could hear his swears. Undenounced to him, a chaos oasis was hidden in the middle of the mountain of sand. Temmet lost his footing and fell in. He heard the madness, the sorrow, and the rage. It fed on his soul one bite at a time, until he was completely broken. His mind twisted, his body grey and soulless. Worst of all, he left the oasis ignited with a planeswalker spark. With his newfound power, he sought to dominate Amonkhet and other planes for himself, wishing to one day rival Nicol Bolas.
(Interestingly enough, research suggests Garruk hadn't visited Lorwyn, but I've improvised the story to fit. Hope you enjoy.)
Alinseri walks along the path through a forest, noting how oddly silent the world seemed to be at that time. Being larger than your average fae might've scared some creatures off, but certainly not everything. Something wasn't right. There was no chirping of the birds, no scurrying of the rodents, not even the frenetic footsteps of a boggart. This had been Alinseri's favorite place to go for a stroll when the world wasn't in chaos, simply because it felt so alive. but it was suddenly as if every living thing in this area was suddenly silenced. There was a feeling of dread in the air, and it was likely that something sinister was about to happen, not unlike the Great Aurora from before, when the plane had turned into Shadowmoor. The fae continues to walk, hoping to find something alive, and immediately wished it hadn't. Further down the path stood a hulking beast of a man, surrounded by the bodies of no less than seven elves. This certainly wasn't a good day.
Garruk had journeyed to Lorwyn in search of more worthy prey, perhaps even hoping for the slimmest chance of encountering the one who had made him this way, that necromantic witch, Liliana. He'd sensed a rather large source of energy not dissimilar to that of a spark from the plane, and had immediately come in the hopes of finding a fledgling, or, even better, a veteran planeswalker to kill and claim as his prey. Instead, he'd merely been confronted by these weaklings that'd had the gall to call him a "disgusting brute." He'd slain them quickly, barely having to exert even a small fraction of his strength on these civilized weaklings. He searched for something, anything stronger than his latest victims, and his monstrous gaze finally arrived at the runtish creature up the path. It seemed similar to several others that had confronted him, and he'd merely swat them away like flies. This one was nearly twice as big, standing at just under two feet tall, but still seemed like little more than an appetizer. Could it possibly be the source of the power he'd detected? He shakes off the nonsensical thought, and advances towards the sprite.
As soon as the monster of a man began to walk towards Alinseri, the faerie knew it had two options. The first was to foolishly challenge the hunter and likely die, just like the countless creatures before it. The other was a plan more likely to succeed, but certainly not brave. Alinseri knew which it must do.
As Garruk nearly comes within striking distance to finish off the large insectoid, its wings begins to flap rapidly. Another simply meek prey, then. Nothing very powerful after all. He was honestly disappointed. He swings his axe down, and the fae is nowhere to be seen, not even a splatter caused by Garruk's downswing.
Having long been thought dead after his disappearance into the Theros Underworld, Dack Fayden was in reality at the mercy of Ashiok's mental tortures. Having entered the Underworld seeking answers to his Sleep Curse, he unwittingly walked right into Ashiok's clutches. Ashiok spent all its time reaping what was needed from Dack, and then left him for dead. What Ashiok was unaware of was that Dack too had gleaned thoughts from Ashiok. But, that was all he had, partial memories of Ashiok and himself, unable to fully understand who he was. After many weeks of recovery, Dack was able to use his power to planeswalk back to his homeland of Drakeston.
It has been years since Dack had been in Fiora, and much has changed since the devastation of Sifa Grent. He has spent most of his time recovering from his assaults. If not on the mend, Dack would spend the rest of his time to finding out who he was, and what he had become. Since the assaults of Ashiok, he has felt a much more sinister presence in his mind and soul, unsure of what will become of himself. With all his discoveries and research into Ashiok, he is still unable to find any answers. Until one day a mysterious person put him on the path of Akila, Shadow Broker; who is said to know all the information and secrets anyone could want to know, for a price...
Thelia was feeding her raptor when she heard a thunder come over her. She looked up and didn't see rain come. Then she saw her; Huatli, she got all the glory, all the praise. But Thelia didn't get angry, she knew she does the work that outlives Huatli. Huatli's dinosaurs all went past Thelia, and she saw how it all would end for Hautli, and had a small smirk on the inside. Her raptor saw it too and roared in devilish happiness. This curse might have some upsides that comes with it. The shield was still up, but those abominations from before the oldest dinosaurs were still coming, and the shield wouldn't stay up forever. War was coming.
Koth was last seen fighting using Spellbombs to try and stop the Phyrexians, so I thought I'd take that lore toward his ultimate. I added the ability destroy both enchantment and artifacts since he has white in him now, and could expand his targets, which he cleanses the unnatural asa way get mana. I made him create 2/2 elementals with menace as he's supposed be aggressive, being color heavy enough I felt he could get a 2/2 with an ability.
My card. This is supposed to illustrate the fact that Narset is currently the most knowledgable being on Tarkir having mastered both the tachings ofthe dragons and learned the history of the khans before. On a side note I find it sad that this carachter has been loosingcoulour after coulour since the first iteration and if she became Ugin's disciple as a colorless planeswalker I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
Story time:
Narset found the campground cluttered, but it was not messy. Kholagans camps were always, clustered from an Ojutai perspective, a side effect of living on the move, but these were different. Normally a Kholagan camp was just a motley collection of tents and goods to be thrown onto a horse the second the dragon moved. But here she could see order, discipline and cleanliness, among the heaps of objects tied to the walls to make a quick getaway. This was more than a temporary resting spot for a band of marauders it was an army camp, a roaming village ready for war. It made sense if she thought about it, the flags fluttering in the wind were an explanation enough for the current state of affairs, these people were not Kholagan they were Mardu. As she approached the main tent she noticed two guards in front resting on barrels dicing and drinking. Although guards were an improvement over the state of things before, she was not surprised to see that these simple people were unable to understand the concept of protecting a place or person, or even themselves. As that thought floated in her mind one of the guards caught her eyes, then he rose and declared. ‘‘Who comes to see the Luu Khan!’’ As soon as those words left his moth there was a rustling around her and she noticed that she was surrounded by warriors on all sides. Perhaps they understood protecting better than she had thought, she pulled down her hood and announced calmly yet firmly. ‘‘Ths sage Narset comes to meet the khan.’’ Upon acknowledging her identity the guard sent his companion inside, the warrior returned shortly later unarmed. ‘‘The Luu Khan will now meet you.’’ Narset took a quiet breath and entered the tent, she wondered what the man who had revived the clans looked like.
The inside of the tent was warm and quiet, if completely unadorned it did not suit what she had expected from the one who dared to call himself the dragon khan, and she thought Sarkhan had been arrogant when she puzzled out it’s meaning. Thoughts of her lover led her thoughts astray, so she nearly jumped when she heard a voice speak to her. ‘‘Come, sit great sage, have some tea, you are welcome in the presence of the Luu Khan.’’ The man before her was neither tall nor imposing, yet there was an aura to him, a sensation almost, he represent a regal and profound authority. Something more mysterious than her spark, more powerful than magic and more ancient than even the clans themselves. She at in front of the man and she spoke. ‘‘Who are you to call yourself ruler of the dragons.’’ She expected him to react poorly at her question, to rebuke her, cry out in rage, perhaps even attack, at best she thought he would grimace. Instead he laughed, Dengis Luu Khan the man who resurrected the mardu clan and brought war to all who dared to cower underneath the illusion of the dragons. The man rumored to have consumed the dragon lords to fuel his unknown power, laughed.
The select few who didn't like Avengers III
Do you have a soul? And I'm the one that's supposed to strike everyone down.
Ah good.
Thalia breathed a sigh of relief. Emrakul was gone. She, and the rest of the Order still had work to do, but the remaining Eldritch Abominations were nowhere near the threat Emrakul herself had been, or rivaled the raw power of Brisela. They would be finished soon enough. Sure, there would be the usual monsters that plagued them, and any truce she had with the vampires had expired and they would soon be enemies once more, but compared to the influence Emrakul had put on the world, this was all normal.
It had been nearly a week since Emrakul was imprisoned, the silver moon a new Helvault for the alien fiend. Thalia was still mulling over everything she had learned. Planeswalkers, beings from other worlds. There were other worlds out there. The thought had shaken her. A planeswalker brought Emrakul here, yet there were also planeswalkers that immediately came to fight against her. That posed a pressing question for her: were planeswalkers just like her? She knew obviously she wasn't a planeswalker, so she didn't pose the question literally, but these were beings from other worlds, worlds with different environments, creatures, cultures, customs. Could the beings from these other worlds still hold the same core values, desires, ambitions, and traits she or any other sentient being from her world did? It seemed unfathomable, yet here were six planeswalkers willing to fight for the greater good of a world they had no connection to. If she was a planeswalker she certainly would've done the same, so does that mean there are more than just those five like her, willing to fight those that threatened the masses? On the flip side, were there more planeswalkers like the one who brought Emrakul here? Ones who had surrendered themselves to villainy, ambition, and the pleasure of suffering? If both these types of characters existed, and the broad traits that made thinking, empathetic beings like her existed across the world, were more planeswalkers good or evil? She would call the average human of her world good, but not all humans were planeswalker, and inversely, what if not all planeswalkers were human? What would a werewolf planeswalker be like, or a vampire? Her own world may harbor these otherworldly beings and she may be faced with them. Another thought occurred to her as she pondered this, one that made her tremble gently: could a demon be a planeswalker? She had lost the church to the Skirsdag, after all; the influence of a demon on humans was one of twisted devotion and a loss of all dignity. Could a demon like Ormendahl be a planeswalker?
More to come later, but I have to go for now.
Ah. You are correct. Fate gifts you with a Spark to give to one of these people:
Hapatra, Temmet, Neheb Or I can roll a die to pick one of the gods.
After the destruction of Naktamun, Temmet set foot out in the deserts themselves searching for guidance. He was greeted by Khenset the Desert King. Khenset told him there was nothing he could do other than let zombies devour him. Temmet, cursing the desert and Nicol Bolas himself, wandered to an enormous mound of sand. He had nothing better to do, therefore he climbed to the top so the dead gods could hear his swears. Undenounced to him, a chaos oasis was hidden in the middle of the mountain of sand. Temmet lost his footing and fell in. He heard the madness, the sorrow, and the rage. It fed on his soul one bite at a time, until he was completely broken. His mind twisted, his body grey and soulless. Worst of all, he left the oasis ignited with a planeswalker spark. With his newfound power, he sought to dominate Amonkhet and other planes for himself, wishing to one day rival Nicol Bolas.
Alinseri walks along the path through a forest, noting how oddly silent the world seemed to be at that time. Being larger than your average fae might've scared some creatures off, but certainly not everything. Something wasn't right. There was no chirping of the birds, no scurrying of the rodents, not even the frenetic footsteps of a boggart. This had been Alinseri's favorite place to go for a stroll when the world wasn't in chaos, simply because it felt so alive. but it was suddenly as if every living thing in this area was suddenly silenced. There was a feeling of dread in the air, and it was likely that something sinister was about to happen, not unlike the Great Aurora from before, when the plane had turned into Shadowmoor. The fae continues to walk, hoping to find something alive, and immediately wished it hadn't. Further down the path stood a hulking beast of a man, surrounded by the bodies of no less than seven elves. This certainly wasn't a good day.
Garruk had journeyed to Lorwyn in search of more worthy prey, perhaps even hoping for the slimmest chance of encountering the one who had made him this way, that necromantic witch, Liliana. He'd sensed a rather large source of energy not dissimilar to that of a spark from the plane, and had immediately come in the hopes of finding a fledgling, or, even better, a veteran planeswalker to kill and claim as his prey. Instead, he'd merely been confronted by these weaklings that'd had the gall to call him a "disgusting brute." He'd slain them quickly, barely having to exert even a small fraction of his strength on these civilized weaklings. He searched for something, anything stronger than his latest victims, and his monstrous gaze finally arrived at the runtish creature up the path. It seemed similar to several others that had confronted him, and he'd merely swat them away like flies. This one was nearly twice as big, standing at just under two feet tall, but still seemed like little more than an appetizer. Could it possibly be the source of the power he'd detected? He shakes off the nonsensical thought, and advances towards the sprite.
As soon as the monster of a man began to walk towards Alinseri, the faerie knew it had two options. The first was to foolishly challenge the hunter and likely die, just like the countless creatures before it. The other was a plan more likely to succeed, but certainly not brave. Alinseri knew which it must do.
As Garruk nearly comes within striking distance to finish off the large insectoid, its wings begins to flap rapidly. Another simply meek prey, then. Nothing very powerful after all. He was honestly disappointed. He swings his axe down, and the fae is nowhere to be seen, not even a splatter caused by Garruk's downswing.
I'll do story when I get around to it.
Having long been thought dead after his disappearance into the Theros Underworld, Dack Fayden was in reality at the mercy of Ashiok's mental tortures. Having entered the Underworld seeking answers to his Sleep Curse, he unwittingly walked right into Ashiok's clutches. Ashiok spent all its time reaping what was needed from Dack, and then left him for dead. What Ashiok was unaware of was that Dack too had gleaned thoughts from Ashiok. But, that was all he had, partial memories of Ashiok and himself, unable to fully understand who he was. After many weeks of recovery, Dack was able to use his power to planeswalk back to his homeland of Drakeston.
It has been years since Dack had been in Fiora, and much has changed since the devastation of Sifa Grent. He has spent most of his time recovering from his assaults. If not on the mend, Dack would spend the rest of his time to finding out who he was, and what he had become. Since the assaults of Ashiok, he has felt a much more sinister presence in his mind and soul, unsure of what will become of himself. With all his discoveries and research into Ashiok, he is still unable to find any answers. Until one day a mysterious person put him on the path of Akila, Shadow Broker; who is said to know all the information and secrets anyone could want to know, for a price...
Not this time. We already stated but when the next season starts you should be able to join.
I willmake saheeli soon
yay! I love this art
Her raptor saw it too and roared in devilish happiness. This curse might have some upsides that comes with it.
The shield was still up, but those abominations from before the oldest dinosaurs were still coming, and the shield wouldn't stay up forever.
War was coming.
Here is the card:
My card. This is supposed to illustrate the fact that Narset is currently the most knowledgable being on Tarkir having mastered both the tachings ofthe dragons and learned the history of the khans before. On a side note I find it sad that this carachter has been loosingcoulour after coulour since the first iteration and if she became Ugin's disciple as a colorless planeswalker I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
Story time:
Narset found the campground cluttered, but it was not messy. Kholagans camps were always, clustered from an Ojutai perspective, a side effect of living on the move, but these were different. Normally a Kholagan camp was just a motley collection of tents and goods to be thrown onto a horse the second the dragon moved. But here she could see order, discipline and cleanliness, among the heaps of objects tied to the walls to make a quick getaway. This was more than a temporary resting spot for a band of marauders it was an army camp, a roaming village ready for war. It made sense if she thought about it, the flags fluttering in the wind were an explanation enough for the current state of affairs, these people were not Kholagan they were Mardu.
As she approached the main tent she noticed two guards in front resting on barrels dicing and drinking. Although guards were an improvement over the state of things before, she was not surprised to see that these simple people were unable to understand the concept of protecting a place or person, or even themselves. As that thought floated in her mind one of the guards caught her eyes, then he rose and declared.
‘‘Who comes to see the Luu Khan!’’
As soon as those words left his moth there was a rustling around her and she noticed that she was surrounded by warriors on all sides. Perhaps they understood protecting better than she had thought, she pulled down her hood and announced calmly yet firmly.
‘‘Ths sage Narset comes to meet the khan.’’
Upon acknowledging her identity the guard sent his companion inside, the warrior returned shortly later unarmed.
‘‘The Luu Khan will now meet you.’’
Narset took a quiet breath and entered the tent, she wondered what the man who had revived the clans looked like.
The inside of the tent was warm and quiet, if completely unadorned it did not suit what she had expected from the one who dared to call himself the dragon khan, and she thought Sarkhan had been arrogant when she puzzled out it’s meaning. Thoughts of her lover led her thoughts astray, so she nearly jumped when she heard a voice speak to her.
‘‘Come, sit great sage, have some tea, you are welcome in the presence of the Luu Khan.’’
The man before her was neither tall nor imposing, yet there was an aura to him, a sensation almost, he represent a regal and profound authority. Something more mysterious than her spark, more powerful than magic and more ancient than even the clans themselves. She at in front of the man and she spoke.
‘‘Who are you to call yourself ruler of the dragons.’’
She expected him to react poorly at her question, to rebuke her, cry out in rage, perhaps even attack, at best she thought he would grimace. Instead he laughed, Dengis Luu Khan the man who resurrected the mardu clan and brought war to all who dared to cower underneath the illusion of the dragons. The man rumored to have consumed the dragon lords to fuel his unknown power, laughed.
This is part one, I will write the rest later.
I see the thing about her losing colors but I didn't want to use the same colors from before and I don't see her as a black or green card.
But we need the Theros person to make the card.