SDC #1: Game Night 2.0



  • Okay then, it is now the 29th and there was only one entry, unfortunately, so that means
    @pjbear2005 wins by default as the only entry. A bit disappointing there weren't more entries for this, I suppose I'll try one more SDC and see if it catches on at all. If not, then I guess there isn't much interest in this style of contest.

    Anyway, @pjbear2005 , I owe you a fav on each of up to 10 cards of their choice and you can have me follow the cardsmith you want.
  • Maybe the amount you were asking for was too much, and that's why nobody joined
  • It wasn't that it wasn't interesting, it just required a lot at this time of year.
  • @murkletins
    Fair enough. Do you think if I did it again next month I'd get more interest?
  • edited December 2018
    I'd say to wait until at least February. Unless your thread is simpler like usual challenges.

    That way most people are done with Vacations and have enough time to do something larger. But I can't guarantee that it'll get people interested in participating in such a large challenge. Unless, you scout for some people beforehand.

    Keep in mind, challenges of this nature are a big undertaking.
  • @murkletins
    The next thing I was going to try out was a pair of duel decks or a single commander deck.
  • @Arceus8523
    Wouldn't it be better to host a challenge similar to the following to gain more traction.

    For Duel deck: Create four cards that fit one side of a duel deck theme of your choice. You may do the same for the other side.

    For Commander deck: Create a commander(s) and four other cards that fit that commander's theme.

    Keep in mind, entire decks are a huge barrier to entry. You should make it optional to do more cards for it.
  • @murkletins
    Well with an entire deck I'm not expecting 100% original cards. In fact, the whole point of this SDC was that you only needed to make as many custom cards as you want and the rest could be existing cards.
  • I know, but most people feel they need to make more of the cards. Otherwise, it feels less original to them.
  • @murkletins
    You think so? I certainly wouldn't want it to come off that way.
  • No worries, it's just human nature to want to go a step further, if possible.
  • Why not those 30 or 40 card starter decks you combine to get two color decks
  • @Bowler218
    I thought about that, but decided to exclude them considering they're free samples and not true supplemental products that are sold in stores.
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