FIxed, Aviron is all in favor for going to Gold city not only does he belive it is their quest location he has also heard rumors about a skilled blacksmith who could help him upgrade his gear.
Not a participant (sadly), but untap is great! Used to play EDH on there all the time while travelling. Ive got a good playgroup now, so I don't use it as often anymore.
If the link doesn't work, I'll try and find a different way to post it.
Does this work?
@AxNoodle @BorosPaladin @HurricanesHardlyHappen @spookoops: I guess this means we're headed to Gold Town?
Head to Gold Town to retrieve a Spirit ______ from a girl named Keen. She will be located in the apothecary.
Well... that was very nice Sherlocking right there. Apothecary is right, but it isn't a stone or grave.
@pjbear2005: is it a Spirit Gem?
could just be a simple potion?
You travel to Gold Town with no problems. You arrive there, it's a small town but has plenty shops.
Oh, yeah, I just kind of winged it from the start so I'm planning a story and than I will continue.
Also question to the participants. Do you have or could you get