Proposed challenge idea. Feedback appreciated. (Ep. Moral of the story)
Hello fellow cardsmiths, as it's the time of year we are judged for our transgressions, I wanted to host a challenge themed on morals. So I thought I'd run the challenge details by you first. I understand not many people are going to see this at the time it is posted due to being so close to Christmas, but I'll be bumping it once per day with ideas I have lying about.
So onto the challenge premise...
1) Once daily, I will post a moral for that day. (Posted the day beforehand for offering the most time)
2) You may make up to two cards themed around the moral for that day.
2b) You may have up to one old card entered per day. Thus counting towards the two.
3) The next day I will release the results, then start offering the prizes from the prior day.
Proposed Prizes:
A) For each moral of the day, the top entry's smith will get the following...
- A follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your own choice.
[Depending on attendance] Up to two honorable mentions of the day, will get the following...
- 1 favorite of your own choice.
I would like to hear your opinions on this idea. If you like it, please mention when you'd prefer it start.
Currently, I'm contemplating possibly starting it on January. Unless, I get feedback that people would like it this month. I've been concerned that people would be too busy this month though.
Anyways have some happy holidays everyone!
So onto the challenge premise...
1) Once daily, I will post a moral for that day. (Posted the day beforehand for offering the most time)
2) You may make up to two cards themed around the moral for that day.
2b) You may have up to one old card entered per day. Thus counting towards the two.
3) The next day I will release the results, then start offering the prizes from the prior day.
Proposed Prizes:
A) For each moral of the day, the top entry's smith will get the following...
- A follow from us.
- 2 favorites of your own choice.

- 1 favorite of your own choice.
I would like to hear your opinions on this idea. If you like it, please mention when you'd prefer it start.
Currently, I'm contemplating possibly starting it on January. Unless, I get feedback that people would like it this month. I've been concerned that people would be too busy this month though.
Anyways have some happy holidays everyone!

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Thank you. I live in Manitoba, CA. So I'm just staying up because my family has celebrated Christmas earlier this evening to fit work schedules.
Now I'm just surfing the forums and ArtStation, while I listen to music.
Generally yes. But it depends.
May you close this thread, when you have time?