Your Own Best Ally (Spinoff Challenge)

Hello all! My friend the Spinoff Guy has gotten in touch with a good cardsmith named spookoops to bring us a great spinoff challenge!

Where Mr. oops' challenge brought us down a path where we had made enemies but we are here now to make friends!

First, start by creating a Legendary Creature that you think will represents yourself. After the deadline I will randomly select another participating person to create a separate card that is designed to work well with yours. In the event of an odd number of entries, I will design a final to see who is the best at making friends.

This challenge is about balance and playability. But, as well as personal representation. Don't go overboard on the OPness, I will comment on your design if the judges (Me, myself and Mr. Spinoff Guy) feel it's too much. Please check your formatting and punctuation before final submission.

Actual judging will be based of an algorithm I set up with maths and also real MTG player input

Prizes will go out to the top three designs, as such:
3rd place; 3 favorites, a follow, and 3 Hugs.
2nd place; 4 favorites, a follow, and 4 Hugs.
1st place; 5 favorites, a follow, 5 Hugs and possibly a secret special prize!


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