So Who's Counting Anyways?

So for this challenge I want players to create a Legendary creature that cares about the cost or number of things you control designed with commander/EDH in mind. What thing effects the creature and how is up to you. It needs be multicolored in it's identity, 2-4 colors. Not looking for 5 colored, as I want to be about something those colors care about. It can be monocolored in it's cost, but then needs have an ability that is in another color in it's rules text. A card's color identity is its color plus the color of any mana symbols in the card's rules text. I recommend 2-3 colors, as it's easier for the card zero in on what those colors are about, but if you can find a strong theme for 4, then that's ok. Hybrid mana is acceptable, but color breaks still apply, as you need pick abilities that both colors have access to, as you need treat as if it's solely one of those colors.

As another way I will accept a mono colored creature, is if you put Parter With on it, and have another creature partered with it. Each count as still 2 entries, but they will counter toward each others identity. Be sure post them together. Like this two cards. Again they still need make sense together and count something that they interact with.

I did a recent batch of cards that do what I am talking about... Here's my examples.

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The really simple answer, the card just needs you count something and be effected by that number or numbers, hence the title. If your cards does that, then it's probably okay.

If you look at my examples...

- Aurina Songspire and Taya, Angelic Warden both care about enchantments are effected by how many you have.

-Gan Cean, Doomed Rider, Cares about how many cards you have, and has abilities to help you draw more cards.

-Erim, Mistress of Darkness, cares about instants and sorcery spells you cast, and gets power based off their casting cost. She helps get them back from the graveyard to keep you casting.

-Skulis, Ravager of Worlds, Wants you to put more mana in your mana pool. He gets more power based off the amount stored. He likely will have high power and trample over creatures causing opponents to sac permanents.

-Fyndra, Collector of Ships, She wants you get have more vehicles. She helps crew them, and turns thems into artifact creatures with mana.

So again figure out whatever you want your creature be about, and have it effect it in some way based off those numbers. It's a pretty open ended thing.

-Rules breakdown-

- Creature must be Legendary and have 2-4 colors in it's identity. Not five colored.
- Card must card about the number of something and interact with it in some way that fits those colors.
- Up to 10 entries old or new, long as it fits the other requirements it's creation date is not important to me.
- Reasonably powered.
- Keep the text off the walls of the card. This is completely avoidable.
- Custom or existing mechanics are completely fine, just include the reminder text somewhere if it's not on the card.
- Ends on the 25th ..ish.

-Prizes will be favorites top 5, and hall of fame for top 3. Additional favorites for honorable mentions and subthemes.

Any questions let me know. If you feel your card fits the spirit of this contest, go ahead and try entering it, as I will let you know. I am flexible enough on these things. -Lastjustice


  • Thank you for the text blocking rule!
  • edited January 2019
    Well I just needs some entries happen now.

    Just for inspiration, here's ideas I came up with, which you can feel free use in this contest.

    Here's two commander based mechanics I came up with. I may have posted them before, but they under went revisions.

    (Not an Example of the contest rules)
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    Union N- You may have up to N cards named *Blank*in your deck and legend rule does not apply to this card.

    Sometimes there's legends like the Brothers Yamazaki who want to have more of the same card in a deck, but normally that's a no go for Commander. So this a way of including the extra ones in your 99 cards. It also allows you go beyond the 4 limit in other foremats if you were to make the union number greater than 4.

    (Also not examples of the contest rules...just sharing stuff.)
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    Faction-*Name* (If being played as a commander, up to N other *Name* may be included in the deck and counted toward identity.)

    I wanted come up with a commander mechanic that allowed more groups to be played together but not be partnered in the commander zone as that would be way too powerful. I mean you normally have play some other legendary creature as the commander just so you can get all the creatures you want into the same deck. One of the group still gets act as the commander, but the other members count toward the identity of the decks colors, and get be in the deck. I wouldn't want to make the faction too large, as 4 seems like enough.
  • edited January 2019
    On side note colors have a certain order.The order the maker says is not always correct. It says go W-U-B-R-G, that's not true for all instances. Such as Bant it goes GWU, Naya RGW , Esper WUB, Jund BRG, Grixis RBU, Abzan WBG, Jeskai URW , Sultai GBU, Temur GUR, Mardu RWB. If you look at cards for Alara or Khans block, you will see it goes that order.
  • edited January 2019
    Would this old flip count? [one entry]
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    It cares about its "age number."
  • edited January 2019
    What about the number equal to the CMC of something?
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  • edited January 2019
    ___________Cards in grave_____________--_Number of tapped opposing creatures_
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  • edited January 2019
    My custom mechanic from when "Partner" came out:
  • edited January 2019
    Well you're currently on the board @Faiths_Guide , so you're in the lead heh. Long as it fits the requirements the age of the card doesn't matter.
  • I plan to make an entry tomorrow I like this contest
  • I look forward to it, otherwise Faith's Guide going be with all the prizes for placing 1-5. I prefer my job of judging be a bit tougher than that.
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    Does his second ability work?
  • edited January 2019
    @pjbear2005 While I apreciate your attempt, the cards are supposed care about something you control, as all my examples are tied stuff you control. Also it's not clear at what the second ability does. It just says Deal damage equal to it's power....To What exactly? I'd hazard a guess itself, which if was the case, that would be brutally tough to deal with as many creatures have power equal to their toughness. No Mercy kills attacking creatures...but you actually have take damage from them first. This would just kill them before they even dealt damage to you.
  • Okay I can do that
  • This is still going, but so far I haven't gotten as much traction as one would have thought as I didn't feel like I made too tricky of requirements for it.
  • edited January 2019
    I'll submit some cards if you don't mind.


    I don't think the requirements are tricky or anything, but i will say that i believe they were worded slightly unclear, primarily because it feels like you explained more about the way colors you wanted colors to be handled rather than the goal of the contest, this is not something necesarily wrong, since colors can be handled poorly, it just shouldn't take away of the focus of the challenge in my opinion, i made these cards essentially for this contest yet i'm not sure they even meet the requirements. That's what i think at least, no idea if this is true or not, i do like the idea of this contest and this bit of text might just be a waste of space.

    Anyhow, if these cards fit the requirements i'll continue to make more cards for this challenge, if they don't i'll still try and make more for this challenge. :>
  • @IronCrusher I tend to rant, but I always put a brief rules cheat sheet at the end showing exactly what I want to happen. I feel like that gives you a very concise list of requirements even if that's all you looked at. (Hence the bold by it.)

    As for your entries, they seem like they are close enough what I am aimming for. I am fine with them.
  • edited January 2019

  • Yeah I will let people know if there's something that doesn't gell with this contest. Everyone is doing something along the lines I asked.
  • edited January 2019
    This one is supposed to be Atraxa before she is transformed by the praetors on new phyrexia. Her ability counts the number of loyalty counters on planeswalkers you control and lets you get more from your deck. the P/T is low enough to kill with some ease so the ability isnt too overpowered. If you play against red you might only get one trigger before she dies. I used Atraxa as the base because her current card which includes black and increases the loyalty counters on planeswalkers.


    The trigger happening at the end step gives you the chance to use your planeswalkers' + abilities while adding another negative to using their - abilities. It also gives your opponents a round of turns to prep before it hits the field.
  • edited January 2019
    The really simple answer, the card just needs you count something and be effected by that number or numbers, hence the title. If your cards does that, then it's probably okay.

    If you look at my examples...

    - Aurina Songspire and Taya, Angelic Warden both care about enchantments are effected by how many you have.

    -Gan Cean, Doomed Rider, Cares about how many cards you have, and has abilities to help you draw more cards.

    -Erim, Mistress of Darkness, cares about instants and sorcery spells you cast, and gets power based off their casting cost. She helps get them back from the graveyard to keep you casting.

    -Skulis, Ravager of Worlds, Wants you to put more mana in your mana pool. He gets more power based off the amount stored. He likely will have high power and trample over creatures causing opponents to sac permanents.

    -Fyndra, Collector of Ships, She wants you get have more vehicles. She helps crew them, and turns thems into artifact creatures with mana.

    So again figure out whatever you want your creature be about, and have it effect it in some way based off those numbers. It's a pretty open ended thing.
  • edited January 2019
    Not legendary, whoops
  • edited January 2019
  • @notmyprimespeaker "- Creature must be Legendary"
  • idk how to post my card i created
  • edited January 2019
    <a href="Page URL"><img src="Picture URL" width="35%"></a>
  • Alrighty, here are entries 4 and 5.



    Hope you enjoyed em and that they meet the requirements.
  • I was out for prerelease weekeend, so figured I check back today see how things were going. 5 days still left till it's over.
This discussion has been closed.