I will come up with the standings in the near future, but that's all the entries I will be accepting for this contest. I will also be awarding favorites to winner for individual color catagories. I meant to have a subtheme going but the contest had such a slow start I bumped it from the rules. I figured I'd just include it on the end if things picked up...which it bounced back nicely. Thank you everyone for your entries.
I haven't forgotten this, as I need wrap this up. This been a nutty week, as it's been brutally cold in the midwest. I've had pipes freeze and make a big mess. I will tackle this soon.
Ok, this went on waaaay longer than I ever expected, sorry for the extreme delays. I had cars breaking whatever else happening over last weeks. Due to my extreme lateness I am favoriting all entries and leaving it at that , as I originally planned do a larger breakdown of my thoughts and give various honorable mentions. At somepoint I just need complete this contest.
So my top 3 are...
3rd Place @TenebrisNemo - 3 Favorites of your choice.
I imagine Jonte would made a card like that for himself, while might be kinda nutty in a team game, it's ability is cool, as does something simple but useful. It cares about legendary permanents, and makes those easier to cast. Really works for me.
While has a similar effect to bane of progress, it's actually a better version, but it does things that make sense in it's colors/cost, being a higher rarity/legendary. There's games where this card could really kick major butt others where people are light on targets and it's smaller. Nicely done Teacup.
Tomigon decided to mimic my unorthodox style of cardsmithing. Lucky for him this is my contest so it paid off. I doubt most would embrace this coming at side ways kinda thinking, but I respect crazy, but effective. Also it's a Nightmare Phoenix...magic needs more of those! Congrats as you are the one who's counting...for First!
Thank to all who entered as was plenty solid entries making this a tough contest to judge.
Two old double-faced cards:
I will come up with the standings in the near future, but that's all the entries I will be accepting for this contest. I will also be awarding favorites to winner for individual color catagories. I meant to have a subtheme going but the contest had such a slow start I bumped it from the rules. I figured I'd just include it on the end if things picked up...which it bounced back nicely. Thank you everyone for your entries.
So my top 3 are...
3rd Place @TenebrisNemo - 3 Favorites of your choice.
I imagine Jonte would made a card like that for himself, while might be kinda nutty in a team game, it's ability is cool, as does something simple but useful. It cares about legendary permanents, and makes those easier to cast. Really works for me.
2nd Place @Teacup - 4 Favorites of your choice.
While has a similar effect to bane of progress, it's actually a better version, but it does things that make sense in it's colors/cost, being a higher rarity/legendary. There's games where this card could really kick major butt others where people are light on targets and it's smaller. Nicely done Teacup.
1st Place @Tomigon - 5 Favorites of your choice.
Tomigon decided to mimic my unorthodox style of cardsmithing. Lucky for him this is my contest so it paid off. I doubt most would embrace this coming at side ways kinda thinking, but I respect crazy, but effective. Also it's a Nightmare Phoenix...magic needs more of those! Congrats as you are the one who's counting...for First!
Thank to all who entered as was plenty solid entries making this a tough contest to judge.
Did you have any comments on one or more of my submissions you'd like to share with me? I'd love to hear any!
I'm interested in any & all feedback.