Village Guardians (Saga)



  • @LostinStatic You enter the mine. It’s completely black except for a small patch lit by a single torch. But you found one outside. Would you like to continue on or search for the secondary objective?
  • @Bowler218 Another snarl comes from the bushes, followed by a roar. A full throated roar. A bear charges through the bushes, crushing leaves and grass alike.
    How do you react?
  • I dodge, while nocking an arrow on my bow. I wait for a good shot.
  • @baryonyx69

    (Since my Character is originally from Hahgheim, I play as if I know the man)

    Rual approches the old man "So it's you! Oh Gods. I hope the little rascal is safe. Tell me more details about where exactly were you playing, please."
  • edited January 2019
    “Little rascal? More like rascals! I lost about 4 of them, out near the old farm. I looked everywhere. Now, my sight ain’t what it used to be, but I still know I never saw those kids anywhere. Please find them and bring them back.”
    How do you respond?
  • @Bowler218 the bear wheels around, whipping it’s head with great force and letting out a deafening roar. It rears up, preparing to give a great swipe with it’s paws that could fell a tree.
    How do you react?
  • I fire right as it stops rearing up, so that I hit it's underbelly.
  • edited January 2019
    "So four of them. Well, do not worry, I will do some scouting on the area. Just in case, explain the guards what and where I am doing".

    Rual goes exploring the old farm zone.
  • @Bowler218 the arrow pierces the beasts thick fur, a blood starts staining its white underside. The bear slumps back to the ground and wobbles, seemingly woozy. The bear raises its paw to strike, but falls limp. It’s last breaths escape it’s lungs, and it dies
  • I go over to it, pull my arrow out and wipe it off, and put the bear in the bushes so I can get it later.
  • @Blazin_Biscuit yes, you definitely still can
  • @Bowler218 You continue through the forest and arrive at a small hut made of twigs and branches. There is tattered cloth and leaves strewn about, indicating a struggle occurred.
  • I investigate, but not draw my bow.
  • edited January 2019
    You find strange prints in the muddy area behind the hut, and markings that resemble something being dragged.
  • @Derfaulehelmut You arrive at the farm, it’s land scorched by an ancient fire. There lay few remnants of the old barn, mill and stables, but nothing solid, just scraps.
  • I follow the prints
  • They lead deeper into the forest, to an area where the trees grow short and the branches weave together, forming a sort of archway that goes on to where you cannot see.
  • I go in, calling for the boy
  • @Bowler218 a faint light begins to glow, lighting up a small clearing in the distance. You see a small tree, the boy half inside the bark.
  • I keep walking, "Hello?"
  • As you enter the clearing, four elementals jump out from the surrounding foliage. Three of them look roughly the same, but the fourth, he’s different.
    “Intruder! What is your business here?” He asks.
  • "I'm looking for a kid from the village, his mother's really worried about him."
  • “This child is ours now. He provides us with life. You cannot take that away from us.”
  • @baryonyx69

    "I have heard your pleas of love" Autumnfire says nonchalantly "I am of the forest and the fires and I have magic that can be used in war or as what is called party tricks. Is this person you are trying to woo interested in these arts? If so, I will provide you with a good show."
  • edited January 2019
    Entry Spot 6... @baryonyx69

  • @pjbear “as cool as that sounds, unfortunately no, she is interested in other things. There’s a rare flower, it’s supposed to grow in the swamps, it’s more beautiful than anything, except for her.” He pauses, daydreaming. Then he snaps out of it and continues.
    “I have been unsuccessful in finding it, but maybe you can.
  • "How about this; you may have him for part of the year, and the village may have him for the other part?"
  • Rual pays attention on possible sounds and at the same time looks around for possible clues.
  • @Bowler218 “No! We will have him until he exhausts his usefulness or we die!”
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