Possible Cube Idea

edited January 2019 in Custom Card Sets
I was at the Ravnica Allegiance prerelease, and I thought of an idea: what if there was a draft set, but from MTGCS? Then, last night, I elaborated on it: a cube. For those who don't know what a cube is: a cube is where everyone puts cards together equal to this formula: 15 x 6 x # of players, everyone draws 90 cards, or 6 15 card packs, and builds a 40 card deck with what they have.
But then I got the idea: we could have 15 people working on this: 1 for each color, and 1 for each two color combo.
Is this a good idea? I want to play with actual MTGCS cards, and I really like drafting. So, if you want to help, just say what color or colors you want to work with.


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