When the Meek Become Mighty...

Hey everyone! This idea was provided to me by... uh... (Just a sec) @Undead.

The premise of this challenge is that you make a card that takes another card's schtick, and stabs it with a needle full of steroids, making it rarer and more powerful.

1. You have no maximum entries for new cards.
2. You have 3 entry slots for old cards.
3. In order to submit an entry, provide the inspiration card and the more powerful version.
4. Entries must be based on Common or Uncommon cards and be recreated as Rare or Mythic Rare.
5. No Joke Cards.

1st Place: One Month of Premium, a Follow, and 5 favorites.
2nd Place: A follow, and 4 favorites.
3rd Place: A follow and 3 favorites.
HM's: 2 favorites.

Follows awarded to users who I already follow will be replaced by 5 additional favorites.

Closed for entries on the Ides of March. (That's March 15th for those of you who don't know.)

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Happy Smithing and Bonam Foruntam Vobis!


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