What is my role in your story? Contest (RPGs - Big prizes)

Hello fellow cardsmiths, the time has come to visit the world of RPGs. So what are we doing with this contest? Well we are designing cards that feature one or more characters and/or things from an RPG series. Whether that be a book, game or movie based on an RPG.

Contest Quotes:
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? Yet, what is fairness in such a corrupt world?" & "We are mere reflections of what we've learned!"


A) The top placing entry's smith chosen by the community, will get the following...
- 5 months of premium subscription to keep or share. (Or a 25$ US Steam gift card!)
- A follow from us.
- 5 favorites of your own choice.
B) Each of the next two top place entry's smiths chosen by the community, will get the following...
- 1 month of premium subscription to keep or share.
- A follow from us.
- 3 favorites of your own choice.

Due Date:
The due date for this contest is the 21st of March. Late entries won't be accepted since we want to keep our contests/challenges contained to their timeline.

1) The card must be themed around character(s) and/or thing(s) from an RPG series.
2) Up to five entries.
3) Up to two old entries.
4) Make sure to credit the creator of the artwork on your cards.

Brief guide to uploading linked pictures/images in comments! (W/ Visual Aid)


  • edited March 2019
    If you enter the following contest and state that you entered it here in a comment, you get the following as thanks!

    1) Increased total entry limit by 2 cards.
    2) Increased old entry limit by 2 cards.

    A Speck of Nature contest (Nature Creatures)
  • So excited! I love RPGs and not only design them, but administer them therapeutically!
  • Ok... When I read Big Prizes, I don't think THIS Big! I AM SO IN!!!
  • @murkletins

    Does the character have to originate from an RPG series? For example, Batman and associated villians/heroes since Batman has had several RPG games
  • @bnew07, I think it has to have started in an RPG. Otherwise, movies are all fair game.
  • edited March 2019
    @murkletins, I submitted my old entries to the nature thing. I will submit a few new ones later.
    Here are my old entries for this one.
    It's not based on a character per say, but it is based on these guys from Dark Souls.

    Ciaran, from the Dark Souls series.

    image image
    Artorias, from the Dark Souls series.

    Important Question:
    Does Metroid count as an RPG? If not, I will change this entry to one from another thing.
    image image
    Samus from the Metroid Series.
  • edited March 2019
    By the way, sorry for the delayed response, I had a rough sleep.

    It doesn't have to be a playable character. So that works out perfectly.

    I feel it should've started in an RPG, but could've begun with books for example. Such as the Witcher series. Which this contest was initially themed around, before making it more general.
  • @murkletins

    Got it, thanks!
  • edited March 2019
    No worries, I just want it to be focused more around an RPG, than just licensed movie characters.
  • edited March 2019
    Ahhh, my entries are ready. It`s basically a D&D party:

    image image image image image

    Since I am an avid D&D player, I had to create these five guys and ladies.
  • @Mila
    I like the artwork you've chosen overall. Nice cards as well. :)
  • Hello, just posted my entries to A Speck of Nature contest (Nature Creatures). The entrants for this contest can be found here:
    I got Undertail and Skyrim, and probably a few more b4 the contest ends
  • @S1A_L8R
    Just a friendly reminder, the link you sent isn't a valid link for myself to view at least. You may want to edit your comment or post another comment with the functioning link.

    Otherwise, the community can't vote on your cards at the end of the contest.

    Sorry for any inconvenience!
  • @murkletins Would you consider a MOBA with attribute stats an RPG?
  • @MonkeyPirate2002
    Sure, they are themed around RPGs usually.
  • Alright then, here's old card number one:


    Ursa Warrior is from DOTA 2.
  • edited March 2019
    Just to check, Pokemon (the main series games) is an RPG right?
  • @Arceus8523, the pokemon games are true to form RPGs. The question shouldn't have been asked. XD
  • @Ranshi922

    I certainly didn't think it would have to be, but I wanted to be extra sure!
  • @Arceus8523, it was a joke. You've known me on this site longer than almost any other user; I thought you'd have a grip on my humor.
  • By the way, I'll announce later how we are gonna vote on cards entered. So be hyped as you all get the choice rather than myself. I'll just be a tiebreaker in that case.
  • @Ranshi922

    I figured as much, but you made a good point.
  • @murkletins, when is the contest through?
  • @Ranshi922
    It ends on the 21st of March. Then I'll give 4 days to vote. So as many people can as possible, without dragging it out.
  • edited March 2019
    The big beast is typically a motif in RPGs. There are also dinos in the Monster Hunter games. My brothers got killed a bunch by them.
  • Future Voting Announcement:

    Voting for this contest will start on March 22, 2019. Then will last until March 25, 2019. Afterwards, I'll compile the results.

    Voting Instructions:
    1) Requirement of voting on at least 3 cards, for ease of accounting later.
    2) Each cardsmith who does so, receives a free vote on each of their cards from us.
    3) The cards with the highest votes will be brought to myself or a special co-judge depending on how things go.
    4) The winner will then be decided.

    Firstly, the reason for this system is to promote voting so I can get good judgement on the community preference. As well as, be able to measure things easier.

    We will update you along the way and post this message towards the end of the contest for your convenience.
  • @murklentins Thanks for letting me know! Heres the actual link:
    And I'm gonna add one or two more by the due date
This discussion has been closed.