Choose your alignment.

Have you ever played D&D? When making a character, there's a little box for your alignment. There's 9. Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Neutral Good, True Neutral, Neutral Evil, Chaotic Good, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Evil. Choose 3 you like, and make some cards fitting into them. Not the best with links, but is the best source I have. If you want to make more than 3, go ahead! The categories I'll be using to vote are: Accuracy, Balance, and Creativity. 1st get's 5 favorites, 2nd gets 4, 3rd gets 3. All get a follow. If someone just barely made the cut, an Honorable Mention, they get 3 favorites and no follow. Get working, Cardsmithers!


  • edited April 2019
    Are old cards allowed? And maximum submissions?
  • edited April 2019
    Lawful Good
    Chaotic Neutral
  • @Armis Joe, Maximum submissions are 9 (1 for each), old submissions allowed.
  • In order of those alignment charts:
    image image image
  • IMO, the colors representing each alignments should be:

    Lawful Good - MonoWhite
    Lawful Neutral - Blue/White (Azorius)
    Lawful Evil - Black/Blue (Dimir)
    Neutral Good - Green/White (Selesnya)
    Neutral - MonoGreen
    Neutral Evil - Green/Red (Gruul)
    Chaotic Good - Red/White (Boros) or Blue/Green (Simic)
    Chaotic Neutral - Blue/Red (Izzet)
    Chaotic Evil - Black/Red (Rakdos) or MonoBlack
  • @elmagici
    that's debatable.
    almost any colors can be almost any alignments.
  • True. In the official explanation of the colors, the make it clear that all colors can be used for good or for evil, but black is simply the easiest to use for villainy because it is the color of ambition.
  • Yeah, we did have a UW villain not too long ago in the form of Dovin Baan.
  • Yes, and Liliana is the hero in War of the Spark
  • I tend to think of black as more neutral than anything, though any color can be of any alignment.
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