So, the ONGOING CONTEST is basically a contest that will keep repeating with different hosts each time.
THE WAY IT WORKS: The Host presents a theme of some kind, then people other than the host submits a card to fit the theme, then the Host decides when it's over, judges, then the REAL fun begins. The previous Host chooses who they want to be the next Host for the next ONGOING CONTEST. Then rinse and repeat.
The rules can be customized by the Host as long as it fits the WAY IT WORKS and this basic criteria:
1: The Host can not submit cards.
and 2: Only ONE(1) theme can be chosen at a time.
Besides those, it can be customized anyway.
I will be the first Host, my theme is ELVES. Submit your elf card and I'll judge. My RULES:
1: One entry only.
2: No UN-cards, so no joke cards.
3: Have Fun! or be kicked out.
Questions on either my rules or how the ONGOING CONTEST works, just comment.
THE WAY IT WORKS: The Host presents a theme of some kind, then people other than the host submits a card to fit the theme, then the Host decides when it's over, judges, then the REAL fun begins. The previous Host chooses who they want to be the next Host for the next ONGOING CONTEST. Then rinse and repeat.
The rules can be customized by the Host as long as it fits the WAY IT WORKS and this basic criteria:
1: The Host can not submit cards.
and 2: Only ONE(1) theme can be chosen at a time.
Besides those, it can be customized anyway.
I will be the first Host, my theme is ELVES. Submit your elf card and I'll judge. My RULES:
1: One entry only.
2: No UN-cards, so no joke cards.
3: Have Fun! or be kicked out.
Questions on either my rules or how the ONGOING CONTEST works, just comment.
This discussion has been closed.
Well, I think this should be easier for most, as they can adjust it to schedules and such, like if they go on Vacation and can't get back in time or can't bring a computer.
Well, people can tell me if I should stop. Go right ahead.
to half-elf sisters that needs to survive in two worlds that doesn't want neither of them
very creative... It's a neat design!
Um, dark elves?
1st place is *DRUM ROLL*: @pstmdrn !
2nd place is: @sanjaya666 !
3rd place is: @TigerFang8 !
@pstmdrn, I will favorite 1 of your cards, let me know which one it is.
Alright everyone! The theme for this round of THE ONGOING CONTEST is.... dun dun dun.... LEGENDARY CARDS!
I want you to create a legendary card of any type of card or rarity. That's it!
1.) Only new cards please.
2.) Max of up to 3 entries per cardsmith.
3.) You can create your submission(s) on any site, but preferrably mtgcs of course.
4.) Credit the artists please.
5.) Original cards, no actual mtg cards or mtg art.
6.) Serious, Un, or derp is allowed!
7.) This round of THE ONGOING CONTEST is over 06/08/19 by the end of the day est, so you guys got 1 week to make amazing legendary card(s).
7.) Have fun! Or be kicked out.
3rd place gets 1 favorite
2nd place gets 2 favorites
1st place gets 3 favorites
Each entry i will favorite as well, regardless if it places (but try your best guys!)
That's it! Good luck, and happy cardsmithing!
This is one my first planeswalkers to gain real popularity.
New is considered JUNE 1ST 2019 OR NEWER/MORE RECENT.
This was made last week on May 26, is that okay?
First entry: The first link is to my submission, and the second is the tokens he creates.
Second entry:
Final entry.
That's all my entries for the challenge. It was a lot of fun and good luck to the rest of the competitors.