Circuit Challenge - 2019 - Season 3
How does the Circuit Challenge Season work?
Winners of Circuit Challenges will be awarded points. These points will follow them throughout the entire Circuit just like in the original Circuit Challenge, and at the end, our Top Ten Cardsmiths will be determined.
Who will be the Judges?
Each month, at least three Official Circuit Challenges will be hosted, and points will be awarded to the winners. The hosts will be hand picked to help diversify the results, so not just one person is selecting the winners.
How long is the Season?
Each season will last about 3 months. If there is a clear winner, it could end early and if there is a tie, a tie breaker could run over.
What do we win?
Bragging rights, a spot in the Hall of Fame, the adoration of legions of fans... Oh, and this...
The first place Circuit Challenge winner will receive the following prizes, donated from MTGCardsmith:
1 Featured card of their choice, from their own cards!
That's right... You win, and you get to pick your own card that you want everyone to see featured!!
1 Month of Premium Features for you and two 1 Month Premium Features for you to give away!
What better way to make friends than the gift of Premium Features?
Bonus Prize for Season 3
US Residents can choose to receive an MTG Cardsmith playmat or $25 STEAM Gift Certificate!
International Residents will receive a $25 STEAM Gift Certificate!
Winners of Circuit Challenges will be awarded points. These points will follow them throughout the entire Circuit just like in the original Circuit Challenge, and at the end, our Top Ten Cardsmiths will be determined.
Who will be the Judges?
Each month, at least three Official Circuit Challenges will be hosted, and points will be awarded to the winners. The hosts will be hand picked to help diversify the results, so not just one person is selecting the winners.
How long is the Season?
Each season will last about 3 months. If there is a clear winner, it could end early and if there is a tie, a tie breaker could run over.
What do we win?
Bragging rights, a spot in the Hall of Fame, the adoration of legions of fans... Oh, and this...
The first place Circuit Challenge winner will receive the following prizes, donated from MTGCardsmith:
1 Featured card of their choice, from their own cards!
That's right... You win, and you get to pick your own card that you want everyone to see featured!!
1 Month of Premium Features for you and two 1 Month Premium Features for you to give away!
What better way to make friends than the gift of Premium Features?
Bonus Prize for Season 3
US Residents can choose to receive an MTG Cardsmith playmat or $25 STEAM Gift Certificate!
International Residents will receive a $25 STEAM Gift Certificate!
This discussion has been closed.
sanjaya666 - 2 Circuit Points - WINNER
EmolgAn - 2 Circuit Points
TenebrisNemo - 1 & 3/4 Circuit Points
Ralyx - 1 & 1/2 Circuit Points
sorinjace - 1 & 1/2 Circuit Points
Faiths_Guide - 1 & 1/2 Circuit Points
SteampunkDragon - 1 & 1/4 Circuit Points
Pepperoni - 1 Circuit Point
shadow123 - 1 Circuit Point
riib11 - 1/2 Circuit Point
bnew07 - 1/2 Circuit Point
MrRansom - 1/2 Circuit Point
RayearthIX - 1/2 Circuit Point
Norzael - 1/2 Circuit Point
TheSuturedHeartMan - 1/2 Circuit Point
LyndonF - 1/2 Circuit Point
Revan - 1/2 Circuit Point
ArmisJoe - 1/2 Circuit Point
Aggroman15 - 1/4 Circuit Point
madstokie - 1/4 Circuit Point
fiskerton - 1/4 CircuitPoint
crabbycabbage - 1/4 Circuit Point
Ranshi922 - 1/4 Circuit Point
Judge: Corwinnn
Judge: sorinjace
Judge: RayearthIX
Judge - Norzael
Judge - Revan
Judge: Corwinnn
The first place Circuit Challenge winner will receive the following prizes, donated from MTGCardsmith:
1 Featured card of their choice, from their own cards!
That's right... You win, and you get to pick your own card that you want everyone to see featured!!
1 Month of Premium Features for you and two 1 Month Premium Features for you to give away!
What better way to make friends than the gift of Premium Features?
Bonus Prize for Season 3
US Residents can choose to receive an MTG Cardsmith playmat or $25 STEAM Gift Certificate!
International Residents will receive a $25 STEAM Gift Certificate!
2019 Season Champions
2019 Season 1 - Animist
2019 Season 2 - TenebrisNemo
2019 Season 3 - sanjaya666
2019 Season 4 -
Well, you beat me!
Congrats, dude!
Be on the lookout for the Upcoming Season 4!!
Lets get season 4 on the roll. lol